
Puppy Love: A Fabric Covered Mini Album of CUTENESS!

No, seriously. We are talking some SUPER STINKING adorable fabric paper by KI Memories on a SUPER CUTE mini album all about some SUPER CUTE puppies that I happen to know very well! Hee-hee!

The Use Your Stash Challenge this week is a fun one! We are asking you to join us in using the following: stripes, scallops, and handwritten journaling. Easy enough, right? I certainly think so! You can do SO many things with this fabulous combo!

I decided to create a mini album about my Maggie and Thatcher. They are the sweetest little girlies EVER, so it seemed like a great plan to me!!!

Puppy Love Mini Album

The cover of the chipboard album is fitted with the paw print fabric paper. I just ADORE this pattern and the colors! It was so fun to work with, too!

Puppy Love Mini Cover

I first added the title sticker without the scallops, but it just wasn't right. Then, after a quick snip with a pair of small scallop scissors the sticker was transformed! I love the difference the scallops made!

Puppy Love Mini inside

I added some journaling strips on the inside of the front cover along with a simple embellishment.

Puppy Love Mini Pages

The inside of the album uses coordinating dog-themed papers (I KNOW! I'm as shocked as you are - I actually USED themed paper! That NEVER happens! I'm proud of myself. Jjust say'n.)

Puppy Love Mini Cover

Finally, the mini album is finished off with a bit of satin and striped ribbon! Nice and easy and a wonderful collection of those random and some less-than-perfect puppy photos! I love it! It makes me happy!

OH! And I have to tell you about the near tragedy that happened this weekend! So, on Saturday we went to the apple orchard to go apple picking and we had a great time (photos later) and then after that we headed to the movies to see Where The Wild Things Are (I'm not happy about that, but more on that later if you want) and then we went home to make dinner and enjoy the evening. WELL...somewhere in all of that my camera went missing.

Let me say that again just in case you missed it.





I think you all know me well enough at this point to know that the panic that ensued was, well, very real.

It was missing all day Sunday. I had no idea where it was and I had looked all over the house. Yes...I even checked the fridge.

Dh thought it might be in his car, so when he got home from work he checked all over the car.

No luck.

Then, by the grace of GOD he fell upon a WalMart bag in his office at home and decided to peak inside. THERE, inside that lonely WalMart bag, was my poor missing camera!


I feel better now. I think I would be sobbing in a corner by now if it were still missing!

So....how was your weekend?


  1. Your album is Adorable!!! Very cute! And, let me just say, if I lost my camera I would be crushed! My daughter, not so much... but me? (Can you call out an Amber alert for a camera? Something?)

  2. Phew - camera retrieved! I panic when my batteries die and wonder if I recharged my other set LOL!!!

    Great puppy book! I need to make one for my pups and one for my kitties!

  3. Egad! I would've gone into a full blown anxiety attack if I lost my camera! Sooooo glad you found it and didn't lose it at the apple orchard....yikes! I LOVE this mini album. that fabric is so fun - I need to make one for my two babies ;)

  4. That album is so cute! I am glad that you found your camera:-)

  5. That album is stinkin' cute! I bet it's even way better in person!

    So glad you did not lose your camera! That would have been a heart stopper for sure. Glad the hubs looked in the bag!!!

    My weekend was great. About to be topped off with a family dinner before everyone heads home!

  6. CUTE album! Let's see the puppers! :)

  7. cute book! and yes, missing my camera would be major!!

  8. How scarry! I'm so glad you found it.
    Thanks for asking! I had a great weekend!


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