
My New Friend, Jack and a Halloween ATC

I am SOOOO excited! Harley over at Koala Fuzz hosted this FABULOUS 13 Days of Halloween swap and we are FINALLY at the point where we can start opening! The count down to Halloween has officially begun! We have a small gift to open each day all the way up to the 31st!!! It's great! I am so excited! My partner, Marilyn, created a totally cute looking package making it REALLY hard to wait to open stuff! LOL! I opened my first gift last night to find this delightful tiny ceramic pumpkin! I LOVE HIM!!!!! He has been named Jack. Original, I'm aware. You are totally jealous of my naming skills. Just say'n.


13 ATC (pre-stitching w/ pumpkin)

Jack decided to help me out while photographing my Halloween ATC that I created last night.

This ATC began with a heavy cardstock base over which I layered a sheet of a vintage math text book. I sprayed some very crumpled purple tissue with Glimmer Mist and then decopauged that over the vintage math book paage. That created a fabulous textured background that I just fell in love with! I inked, coated, glazed, etc. to create the various elements of the ATC. The black clouds are some neat lace I had tucked away in my stash! I love the way they look! I finished off the piece by gilding the edges with copper.

13 ATC (pre-stitching)

...Or at least I thought I was finishing it off. Something wasn't quite right. I stared at it for awhile as I watched Flash Forward on Hulu and then finally decided that even though I had already taken my photos...it wasn't done. I grabbed my paper piercer, punched holes all around the edges and then hand stitched it to really finish it off. WOW! The difference that made was incredible! I really love the finished product now!

13 ATC *Finished*

I'm kind of loving the whole tag/ ATC thing lately. I don't know why, but I've been really inspired to do these tiny little pieces of artwork. I hope it continues because they are WAY Super stinking fun to create and I always feel GREAT after I make them!

Soooo....I opened my little Jack on day one of the swap...I wonder what will be today's treasure?!!!

OH....and because I am loving this swap so much, I am highly considering hosting a 12 days of Christmas swap or something similar to that here on my blog. Please let me know if you think you might be interested. This is NOT the sign up...I'm just toss'n out a feeler to see if you guys would like to do that. It's way fun. For real. Just say'n.


  1. GORGEOUS!!!!!!

    Stopping by from SITS=)

  2. What a cute card - your stitching totally finished it! I would be interested in a Christmas swap - but I really don't know what it all involves AND I am from Canada - just sayin ;)

  3. I have interest in a Christmas swap but I need to know what it entails - I've never done a swap before! [I know, I'm super behind the times]

  4. Loving Jack and the ATC!! Great work!
    I would be interested in the swap if it wasn't massive (not 20 cards or ATCs... just a handful).

  5. I would be up for a 12 days of Christmas swap!

    I love how your ATC came out and you are right.. the stitching on the edge really made the card more wow!

  6. So cute. I love ATC's and have made a few myself. They are a satisfying way to get creative on a small scale.

  7. Those are great Halloween crafts:-)

  8. I love the ATC you created. I would be interested in a Christmas one if it is on a small scale of maybe a dozen people.

  9. I love that you were just off in your own piece of scrappy heaven gilding away...lol. (which by the way I had to read twice because I thought it say you were gliding the edges and that totally made sense to me...LOL)

    Love the ATC!!

  10. Love that ATC and "Jack"...wow...you ARE clever...lol!

  11. That is such a cute little card. I'd definitely do a swap with you, talented lady!


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