
Ummm...so I changed some stuff...and...a WINNER!!!!!

So, you may have noticed a few things are a bit different around here....LOL! After the slight mishap yesterday, I decided to go ahead and make some changes. I will probably start switching things around even more, but for now, I think I like it. I don't know. The header is fun, but I really should learn to do a digi-scrapped one. I'm not sure. I do like it, though. I am LOVING the three columns and I hope to expand that a bit, as well. It turns out this HTML stuff can really be fun...as long as you have LOTS of help from friends and random online tutorials! LOL!

I'd love to know what you think! I know many of you will miss the old header photo, but it always bugged me because it wasn't mine. I didn't take it. Maybe I can replicate it with my own legs someday! HA! ROTFLMAO!!!!

Anyway...I have some good news for one of you!!!!

The Winner of the Works In Progress Ring (I'm totally jealous, by the way....) is.....


Elsie said...

The hot air balloon necklace, come on get higher....is just charming and delightful, brings back memories of a ride that I took...
with the magic balloon and colors, this necklace has special meaning!

Also the giveaway ring has a color that I believe is related to pure water in nature (as in glaciers)....very pretty!

Congratulations, Elsie!!!! YOU WON! Please contact me within 48 hours to claim your prize! I am sending you an email shortly!

I hope you have all had a fabulous Monday. Mine was a bit crazy, to be honest! LOL! I have a great shop to share with you in the morning along with another AMAZING giveaway! So come back and check it out!


  1. I LOVE that header!!! You did a fabulous job!

  2. i love the header too! did you just scan it? i think the background would look better now if it matched a bit more! i have tons of free backgrounds for blogs sites i have bookmarked if you like! just lmk!

  3. I love the new header! And the three column formats are always my personal favorite. Nice job!

  4. I think this header is AWESOME! You did great. I'm liking the 3 column format also.

  5. Your blog is lookin' super fine! Keep up all the great work!


Thank you for visiting! I love to hear your thoughts!