
*Etsy Love* Jen Kiaba Photography *GIVEAWAY!!!*

Hello, everyone! I am excited to introduce to you an extraordinary photographer! Her work is simply fabulous! I am quite sure you will fall in love just as I did!

Jen Kiaba specializes in what one might call poetic photography. Each of her photographs tells a story and you know how I love photographs that speak!

She has several series in her shop right now including Gothic Prints, Fantasy Art Prints, Steampunk Prints, and Vintage Prints. Each photograph sings its own song in such a beautiful collection of light, color, and imagery! They are simply a pleasure to take in!

Here are a few of my favorites.

For Remembering. The color is so strong and the light is just amazing!

A Lazy Dream. The playful nature of this print captured me as soon as I saw it in Jen's shop! Whimsy and stillness brought together. What a wonderful juxtaposition.

Vintage Dress. This photograph is beautiful. Yes, that is an ordinary word, but I still believe that it describes the simplicity and the elegance that you see here. It. Is. Beautiful.

And this print...this is my very favorite from Jen's shop! I feel the chill and I am lost in a wonderful, magical world the moment I set eyes on it. This print makes me happy. It is called Narnia Fantasy Landscape. Narnia. *sigh*

You simply MUST check out Jen's work both in her Etsy shop and on her blog!

Also, Jen has kindly offered a wonderful, generous giveaway! One VERY lucky reader will receive a choice of ONE print from either the Black and White Prints or the Photography Prints section! (Jen can help you out if you aren't sure when you win which you can choose!)

Here are the rules to enter:
***To be entered you MUST go to Jen's shop and come back here and tell me which print you liked the best. Don't worry...if you win you can choose something else. This entry is MANDATORY.***

These are all optional entries to earn extra opportunities to win!
Remember to leave a separate comment for EACH.

1. Follow my Blog and leave a comment letting me know you follow. Current followers do count!
2. Follow Jen's Blog and leave a comment here letting me know (feel free to leave her some love, too!)
3. Follow both Jen and Me on Twitter AND Tweet about this giveaway. Leave a comment with a direct link to your tweet!
4. Make me a favorite in Technorati (see small green widget on the right).
5. Make a purchase from Jen's shop for THREE extra entries! Leave THREE comments to let me know what you bought! (This will be confirmed.)
6. Blog about this giveaway and include a link to this post. Leave a comment here with a link to your post.

Contest closes at 11:59pm on Tuesday, June 23rd.

This contest is open world-wide and will be shipped by the featured vendor.

Thanks for checking out Jen's amazing shop!!!! I can't wait to see what you guys love about it!


  1. Maybe Sparrow - Black and White Fine Art Print -oh I love this cutie:)

  2. I follow your blog too!

  3. and follow her blog too:)

  4. gorgeous! I don't twitter..I'd go for this!!

  5. These are gorgeous! I'm in love with the Midnight Carnival and Under my Toes. Thanks for sharing this find!

  6. Tweeted

  7. I love the Maybe Sparrow - Black and White Fine Art Print. It's so beautiful!

    savingforhome at gmail dot com

  8. Following both of you on Twitter and your blogs, tweeted about this: http://twitter.com/MBSG and my favorite is Dreaming Winter Away! BTW...a retweet button here would be fab! :-)

  9. My favorite is the stolen kisses print- I would love to have this in my apartment. Here's the link: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23155753

  10. I'm a follower of Jen's blog now, as well. :)

  11. wow she has some amazing photogrphy work

  12. My favorite has to be Whimsical Fantasy Landscape. Thanks for sharing this shop!

  13. I'm following your blog now, I just found you today and I really enjoyed reading. (c:

  14. I really love The Midnight Carnival - Gothic Fine Art Photography Print

  15. I love Jen's photography! Just discovered her Etsy shop the other day. My favorite print by her is the Mysterious Stranger: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23682514

  16. And I'm a follower of this blog now too! :)

  17. I'm following both you and Jen on Twitter too. Here's my tweet about the giveaway! http://twitter.com/sgbeads

  18. Jen I love that dress...I am a huge fan of Vintage and that dress is HOT! I love your blog...always something interesting...

  19. Love the The Blush of Bloom.

    =) melanie
    melanieadey at hotmail dot com

  20. The print I like the most has to be Sweet Summer's Romance! Thanks! :D

    jess^^^4002 [at] gmail [dot] com
    (without the ^^^)

  21. Wow! Really fascinating quality to her work. Not sure what my favorite is. Maybe the Sparrow, or maybe Whimsical Fantasy Landscape.

    nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

  22. Gosh the Midnight Garden print is really speaking to me, but I think my daughters would like the Maybe Sparrow print.

    Beatiful, haunting images.

    Thank you for the opportunity!

    secretcake (at) yahoo (dot) com

  23. My favorite is "Welcome to Wonderland!"

  24. I love Footsteps after the rain - Vintage Style Signed Fine Art Photograph. But all her photographs are great. Thanks.

  25. A Girl in Progress
    I LOVE this one!

  26. http://www.blogger.com/publish-confirmation.g?blogID=3884307810610752192&postID=7539779222998822716&timestamp=1245696382412&javascriptEnabled=true

    Blogged about it!

  27. I adore the Spring Lilacs - Vintage Style Signed Fine Art Photograph.


  28. Her work is so amazing! I love the black and white-Mysterious stranger. The vintage dress I love too! Thanks jacquecurl1@gmail.com

  29. I follow your blog. jacquecurl1@gmail.com

  30. I follow her blog. jacquecurl1@gmail.com

  31. I love the Dreaming Winter Away print. So stunning.


  32. Vintage Dress is my favorite! It would look great in my sewing room.

  33. Stolen kisses... I used to send my husband kisses on tissues before I moved here and he saved them all.
    This reminds me of that so much.

  34. I enjoy the Atlantis Fantasy Landscape - Whimiscal Fine Art Photography Print. It reminds me of the tornadoes from when I was little, living in Oklahoma for whatever reason. Gives me the chills!

  35. I love birds... I choose this beautiful sparrow (maybe).

    Maybe Sparrow - Black and White Fine Art Print

    cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

  36. Happy follower!!!
    cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

  37. I really love 'A Living Doll' but 'These Frozen Fields' also speaks to me. Guess I'm fickle. ;-)

  38. I am following your blog too. ;-)

  39. I am also following your tweets as well as Jen's. Not sure how to leave a direct link to a tweet, but it's there under @thepenpoint ;-)

  40. I really like maybe sparrow!

    krherning at yahoo dot com

  41. I really like maybe sparrow!

    krherning at yahoo dot com

  42. The Blush of Bloom-i love flowers


  43. follow through Google Friend Connect


  44. I would choose A Mysterious Stranger - Black and White Print. It's gorgeous!


  45. My pick is Stolen Kisses - Whimsical Gotchic Fine Art Photography Print.

    nicholakleyle at hotmail dot com

  46. I adore The Midnight Carnival - Gothic Fine Art Photography Print

  47. Sweet Summer's Romance is absolutely beautiful!

    acm211 [at] gmail [dot] com


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