
Monday Morning and I'm a Slacker...as usual.

Um...so, yeah. It's sort of been like three days since I have posted anything on my dear 'ole blog and for that I apologize. There is no good reason other than the simple fact that I'm a slacker. Just the way it is, folks, just the way it is.

So, it's Monday...I had a post planned on Friday to tell you about an awesome Etsy shop...I will do that this week sometime because it really is a great shop and I want to share it with you because we are talking total and utter CUTENESS that makes me happy and you know how I love that!

I also had a great post planned for Saturday...statistics and such. You will probably get that one sometime this week, too, seeing as my wonderful kind husband helped me find some of the info for it and everything. I just got lazy and didn't post. Told you...SLACKER! LOL!

Alas, that brings us to today. Lots of stuff going on out there in blog land. The giveaway circuit is HOT, folks, let me tell you! I plan to participate in a couple of carnivals and such, I just need to get the info from the various sites and put it all together for you. I'm pretty excited about those, though. I love giveaway carnivals! They are just too much fun!

As for this morning...I am drinking a can of pure sugar. At least, that is what it tastes like. Have you tried this stuff yet?

Remember when we were kids (by we I mean those of us around 30ish or so) and Mt. Dew was REALLY INSANELY sweet? Well, the kind folks at Pepsi, Co. have put this wonderful 'new' product on the shelves called "Mountain Dew Throwback." Yup. It's the old stuff, ladies and gentlemen. It's made with natural sugar which makes it basically a can of liquid candy! They have the Pepsi version, too, but I haven't tried that one yet. I wasn't a Pepsi drinker when I was younger, so I wouldn't really know if it tastes like old-school Pepsi or not, but the Mountain Dew is totally Old-School goodness! The label helps, too. I pretty much love this can! For reals. That being said, I will be bouncing off the walls shortly which will, I'm sure, be followed by an insane crash leading to my forehead landing on my keyboard and typing up some insanity. Today should be interesting!

So...that's today. If I get around to getting any of that stuff that I talked about earlier in this post done, I will post it for you because I know you are TOTALLY on the edge of your seats for that...you are, right? Don't let me down...I'll cry if I find out nobody really reads this! LOL!

Oh, and just for fun...let's do a quick 'Sorry I'm a Slacker' Giveaway! Just comment on this post before Friday and one person will win a surprise package of fun goodies from me! Just because I feel like doing something nice! If you would like an extra entry leave another comment letting me know that you are a follower (if you aren't you should become one so that you don't go to hell for lying. Just say'n.) LOL!

And have a happy Monday!!!


  1. mmmm I could use some of your energy this morning - liquid candy sounds about right!

    Following your blog!


  2. Must try the MD and Pepsi...I hadn't seen it yet.

  3. I can remember downing 2 mountain dews within minutes after a all star band practice at OU when I was in HS, LOL! They haven't tasted the same since. I'm looking for the throwback dew. Thanks for the heads up! :)

  4. I still want to know, if these sodas are made with natural sugar what are the rest of their products made of?

  5. I wondered what the Pepsi Throwback was all about, sounds delicious!

  6. Scratch that. I don't really want to know. I'll just keep drinking them in my non-knowledgeable bliss.

    [I'm a follower!]

  7. Okay..I have to find some throwback before they take it off the shelves forever! I'm an old school mt dew lover. I could tell you some stories. :)

  8. we tried the mt. dew throwback Sat and didn't like it!...lol!!!...

    i have not updated my blog in a while, so i am a slacker too!!!...and, i follow your blog thru google reader along with about 125 more...

  9. I've just tagged you to post your fourth pic from your fourth album. I don't know why this is popular. I of course had to put a twist on it (i can't do anything straight). !!!

    Hope you want to play & enjoy it. :)

  10. i love mtn dew! code red is my favorite though. i'll have to hunt out and try this. thanks :)

  11. oh, and i follow your blog too :)

  12. Oh so very cruel!! They are only releasing those cans in certain parts of the country. Our part (the best part BTW) of the country doesn't get them yet. Maybe they have them up in Seattle? :( I may have to ask Noel to check. I would drive 2 1/2 hours for some good old MD!

  13. Oh and I'm a folloer ofcourse!

  14. Don't feel bad about missing posts. Everyone needs a break.

  15. Old school Mountain Dew will rock my diabetic husband's socks right off! lol!

    I've been a slacker too..join the club!

  16. I need energy BUT Mt dew is not my drink. I do not see how you guys can drink that stuff!

    Have a great slacker Monday! :)Lisa

  17. I'm a slacker too.

    I got the Pepsi Throwback. I usually don't drink soda but I do miss my Pepsi.

  18. Oh - I just started following you.

  19. I miss the Halo mt. dew.. now that one was good (for having HFCS in it anyway!)

    Pepsi throwback is really good too - definitely sweet, no metallic taste, yummo! My mom commented it tastes just like SHE remembered it from way back when!

    oh, yeah, I'm a follower too :)

  20. I have tried the Pepsi throwback..it was soo good.: ) Thanks for coming by my blog!


  21. Ugh, I have never been able to drink ANY soda pop that wasn't diet - except in some cases root beer! To me, they all taste like pure sugar and make my stomach turn! I used to work with a guy that drank Mt. Dew all day and it made me so queasy!

  22. I saw that they have the pepsi throw back, I'm might try some... they also have something out called pepsi "natural". When I was kid, pepsi came in small bottles only... then they came out with a glass 2 liter bottle, imagine how heavy that baby was!

  23. and love your blog! So fun!! Thanks :)

  24. I am ALL about the throwback Pepsi! Actually, I hadn't heard about it, but now I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. Is that sad? No, not at all, of course not. I was never a Mt. Dew drinker, but the Pepsi I will have to try.

  25. Aaaannnddd.... I'm a follower. Of course!

  26. Thanks for the great giveaway!



  27. my husband was SOOOOOOOOOOOO obsessed with finding both the throwback MD and the throwback Pepsi, we went to like 5-6 grocery stores until he finally tracked it down. Then he made me try them both. The Pepsi is ok, nothing special, but the Mountain Dew was actually REALLY GOOD. I especially liked how it hardly tasted carbonated at all. And it just tasted NICE, not corn-syrupy, ya know?

  28. I hear ya on the slacking thing. Sometimes I have the best intentions, lol! Thanks for lettign me know about the liquid sugar. I LOVE sugar!

  29. I'm a Slacker, he's a Slacker,
    She's a Slacker, we're a Slacker,
    Wouldn't you like to be a Slacker, too?
    Be a Slacker!

    nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

  30. I've been slacking on my blog too. Glad that I picked today to pop back in, I could really use some goodies in the mail :)

  31. i have always loved mountain dew, thanks for the giveaway

  32. I forgive you for being a slacker. I shouldn't get damned to hell now.

  33. I am a follower; really and for true!

  34. It's ok to be a slacker , sometimes :}

  35. I'm loving the Pepsi throwback too! It's very tasty. Thanks for the giveaway!

  36. AHHHHHHHHHH Real sugar. Have to try this


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