
A Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

Remember last week? You know, when I challenged you to see the story in the photo and to even consider writing about it. Well, this is another one of those photos. You can look into it and see the stories. Each of us will see a different one. Some filled with joy, others filled with sorrow, and some filled with pain, while others are loaded with adventure. Don't just look at this photograph. See it. And, once I again, I challenge you to write your story. Long or short. Write it down and see where the photograph takes you.

See More Thousand Word Thursday posts at Cheaper Than Therapy.


  1. Neat photo and great idea to weave your own story from what you see and how it makes you feel.
    It immediately brought me to two completely different places. A place of loneliness and also being in the heart of a large city after an event...walking.
    Very fun exercise:)

  2. That automatically takes me back to drinking too much. Did I have a good time? Am I going to fall into the tracks? What time is it? Did I miss the train?

  3. Wow..it's been a long time since I've been in a subway. Nice shot.

  4. Great photo. I love pictures like this.

  5. Really cool photo! You're right, they do inspire me to create a story...I'll work on that today!

  6. "It was a blur when his train pulled away. My heart broke with the realization that I would never see him again."

  7. Yeah, totally looks like Saturday night. I wrote about it on my blog. see you there?

  8. I feel dizzy a little drunk...gosh how i'd NOT want to be there feeling this way!

  9. NIGHTMARE! Terror in the subways/tubes!

    Yeah, something like that =D

  10. Makes me think of whizzing through an empty BART station late at night on the way to the farthest out station where my car was parked. Cool picture!

  11. What a cool idea. And the picture is great too!



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