
Coffee = Smiles


That's how math works, right? I mean, it must be. Because we all know it's true. Coffee = Smiles. And today is the Coffee Lovers Blog Hop and THAT makes me smile, too! Because basically a whole bunch of talented crafty folks come together and post super fun projects showing off yummy beverages. Coffee, tea, hot cocoa... they all apply. And I am HERE for it, man!

If this is your first visit, WELCOME! I'm Jingle and you can find me on Instagram, too

You guys! I even pulled out my Dunkin Donuts scrunchy for this one. Because of course I have a Dunkin Donuts scrunchy. Do you not? 

I created this card with a wonderful amalgam of products from different places. That wonderful coffee cup is from the one and only Erin Lee Creative. I don't know if her coffee stamp set is available anymore, but her Harry Potter stuff CERTAINLY is, so you should just go buy that now because it's freaking amazing. The little mouse is an undeniably adorable stamp from the Simon Says Stamp and Colorado Craft Company Stamptember exclusive. Ummm.... CUTENESS! You can find all kinds of sets with these cute mice designed by Anita Jeram. They are incredibly adorable. And that sentiment. That wicked cute freaking sentiment? Yeah, that one is a wood block stamp from Simon Says Stamp so not only does it look adorable on a card, but it looks wicked cute on my shelf, too! I die cut the tiny heart from the Simon Says Stamp Mini Hearts die set - this is a super useful set to have around. I highly recommend it.

I colored this one with Copics. Shadows and I aren't actually really good friends because, well, quite frankly, I have very poor spacial orientation and struggle with the entire concept of 'where is my light source', but I think this one turned out pretty cute. All in all, I had a super fun time creating this card! Now, head on over to the Coffe Loving Cardmakers Blog to check out all of the amazing creations out there! 


  1. Thank you for your comment one of my Coffee card. Your card is adorable, great combination of different products. Double Trouble "Deja-Brew" challenge is participating with the Coffee Lovers too, and we would love you to join us or check us out for future fun challenges with Thing 1,2 and 3.

  2. Your card is adorable and the shading...wowsa! I am so new to coloring I def don't have it down pat yet. Great job!

  3. I love the mix of images for a super sweet design!
    Thanks for linking up!

  4. This is a cool card! Love the little mouse, guaranteed to bring a smile to ever receives it!

  5. awww! its super cute!
    hello from Coffee Lovers Blog hop! ☕

  6. So stinking cute! I love this image!!

  7. Too cute, the little mouse sure made me smile


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