
A Bit of Red, A Bit of Green, and a Bit of Brown

 I mean, when you start working on your holiday cards it's possible that 'Oh! I had better stock up on brown cardstock!' isn't the first thing that comes to mind, but, folks, I'm here to tell you that you just may want to stock up on brown cardstock for your holiday cards! This color combination presented in the Newton's Nook Inky Paws Challenge is really quite gorgeous!

The next thing that may or may not come to mind is to use these colors for... snow. Snowflakes, to be exact. Yup. From the Beautiful Blizzard stamp set. That's what I did. And you know what? I absolutely LOVE it! Turns out snow doesn't have to be blue and silver all the time. 

See what I mean? I used a combination of Hero Arts and Simon Says Stamp inks and I absolutely love how the rich color tones work with those beautiful detailed snowflakes. I stamped and embossed the Pinkfresh Studio sentiment in gold and added a strip of gold glitter paper along the edge for plenty of sparkle and shine!

And... I'm not the only one who loves stamping these pretty snowflakes! Sterling wanted to make a card, too! He is a big fan of pink, so he had to have pink on his and he chose his other colors, too. It doesn't quite fit with the challenge, but that's okay, he's two, he can pick his colors. LOL! He particularly loved the gold ink! This was the first time we've used that one and he thought it was great! We did cheat a little and used the Misti so his snowflakes were a bit easier to stamp and then ended up right where he wanted them. It is so much fun crafting with him!


  1. Oh wow! This is stunning! Your rich colors are spectacular! I love Sterling's card! His colors are just perfect! Thanks to both of your for sharing your amazing cards with us at Inky Paws!

  2. Indy took the words out of my mouth! stunning and classy! Love the strip of gold glitter paper! Thanks for joining us for our rustic holiday color challenge at Inky Paws!

  3. Your card is so beautiful! Sterling's card is great too! Thank you so much for joining us at the Inky Paws Challenge!

  4. Super cute idea. I do not have the stamp set but I think I want it now!
    Thanks for linking to the Inky Paw's Challenge.
    Hugs Diane


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