
Keeping it Cas-ual!

It's time for a new Wednesday Challenge over on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog! This week we are keeping it CAS-ual with CAS style cards! The Design Team is featuring CAS-ual Fridays Stamps! YAY!!!! I, naturally, pulled out one of my all time favorite CAS-ual Fridays Stamps sets!


I stamped my flowers in black on white for a fun background and then stamped, colored, and die cut one of them to make it pop before layering the die cut thanks over it! I used Chameleon pens to color my flower, giving a nice pop of reddish pink (technical term, obviously).


And now it's YOUR turn! Create a CAS card and link it up over on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge blog for your chance to win a $50 Gift Certificate to the Simon Says Stamp Store!

Happy Crafting!


Thank you for visiting! I love to hear your thoughts!