
Girl in Denim

HI!!! I am pretty excited to share my project for the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge today! Our challenge this week is FLOWERS! We want you to incorporate flowers into your project in some awesome way! The Design Team is showcasing Prima Flowers product this week. In choosing my product, I noticed that they have paper clay available. Well.... I haven't made an art doll in AGES, and this was the perfect excuse to give one a try again!


I used some old jeans for the fabric. Aside from that, and the plastic Target bags that I used to stuff her, you can find all of the supplies to create this fun little project at Simon Says Stamp. The paper clay was used to create the limbs and the head. I then stitched the torso from a pair of old jeans and painted it with a heavy body acrylic paint. The face is done with a simple Copic multiliner pen and her blush is also Copic marker. I had SO much fun creating her!


I used some May Arts gold string for both her awesome belt and her necklace. A tiny Doodlebug flower accents her necklace and brings in the flower theme with a pop of color! LOVE IT!

Now it's YOUR turn! Create something fabulous using FLOWERS as your inspiration and link it up over on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge blog for your chance to win a $50 Gift Certificate to the Simon Says Stamp Store! WOOT! WOOT!

Don't worry, you don't have to make a doll. You can make a card. Or whatever it is you make. Just MAKE! 

Have a Happy!


  1. aww isn't she a cutie! :-) an ingenious and adorable interpretation of the theme :-) LOVE her!! :-)

    Lols x x x

  2. Oh my goodness! How cool and pretty is this DOLL! I had to do a double/triple... take that you "made" the doll! Way to think outside the box! Thanks for the awesome inspiration, Jennifer!

  3. ummm this is AMAZING!!!!!! wicked clever :)

  4. What an adorable fun card Jennifer, a cute 'image', beautiful created, a beautiful card with a super pink petticoat!!

    Heather xx

  5. I was dying to see what you were going to come up with using the clay Jenn!! This is so AWESOME! I love this idea - what a fun project and nice to see something other than a card once in a while!!!
    Caryn xxx

  6. HOW CUTE!!! Love the doll, Jennifer! Brilliant!! :)

    Simon Says Stamp!

  7. Loving your art doll and her little denim dress is fantastic. Tracy x

  8. Wow, this is amazing! This doll is just darling!

  9. What a creative take on the challenge! LOVE it!


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