
Ombre Snowflakes are Awesome, Yo

For reals. They are. And this snowflake stamp from CAS-ual Fridays Stamps is already a staple for this years holiday crafting stash! Seriously... it is perfect for a huge impact focal point on cards which makes mass production super easy! LOVE THAT!

Merry Christmas

I used ombre ink to create the awesome colored flakes and then added some sparkly sequins to make it shimmer! I like shimmer. And shine. Because... SHINY!

Merry Christmas by Jennifer Ingle #JustJingle #CASualFridaysStamps #Christmas #cards

Be sure to head on over to the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps blog to check out this card along with lots of other awesome cards created by the design team! I am LOVING our newest stamp and die sets!

Have a Happy!

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