
OMG! Congrats!

It is almost time for the Pinkfresh Studio July Embellishment kit to go live, but before we move to that one, I have a card I want to share using the awesome June kit that is still available! These letter stamps and the die that goes with them? Holy goodness, I am in love!

OMG! This is Awesome! by Jennifer Ingle #JustJingle #PinkfreshStudio #cards

That washi tape. *sigh* For reals, though. I am so in love with hit. And the epoxy stickers are fabulous! I brushed the back of this one to make it not sticky and then added some string and foam tape behind it to pop it up.

OMG! This is Awesome! by Jennifer Ingle #JustJingle #PinkfreshStudio #cards

Be sure to head on over to the Pinkfresh Studio blog to check out more inspiration!

Thank you to Pinkfresh Studio for providing the kits for my design team projects at no cost. All art and opinions in this post are my own.


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