
A Card and an Introduction

I have some exciting news to share! LOOK!

Morgan #dogs #chocolatelabs #rescue #justjingle #puppies

This is Morgan! She is the newest member of our family. She is ten weeks old and a bundle of sheer puppy joy! And exhaustion. Joy and exhaustion. LOL! So far she loves boxes, her stuffie, and is absolutely fascinated by the world around her. It is a lot of fun to watch her discover and learn.

I also wanted to share another super fun card I created with the Simon Says Stamp July Card Kit. I love this one. It's a bit of a more rustic style than I normally do, but I just love the elements and how they came together!

Anchor Thanks by Jennifer Ingle #JustJingle #simonsaysstamp #sssck

I did cheat just a bit and used another Simon Says Stamp die with my kit contents, but shhh! Don't tell. *wink*

Anchor Thanks by Jennifer Ingle #JustJingle #simonsaysstamp #sssck

I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend if you are here in the United States, and a wonderful non-holiday weekend if you are somewhere where there wasn't a holiday. HA!

Have a Happy!


  1. Well, Miss Morgan is just ADORABLE and so is your card!

  2. Both are amazing! Congrats on your sweet lil bundle. What a cutie!

  3. oh congrats on the new baby. she's a cutie! and your card is simply amazing. love that clip!!

  4. Congratulations! Morgan is absolutely adorable!! Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July weekend and love the card!

  5. aww what a cutie.. congrats on the new family member. We are going to get another one too next month. I can't wait... love your card.

  6. Loving the layered elements on this card and what a cute cute puppy! So happy for you guys!

  7. Yay for your new addition to your family! This card is so CAS and perfect!

  8. Morgan is the cutest little girl! Congratulations on the new addition to your family!
    Love the vintage look in a modern layout!

  9. Fabulous card Jennifer! And Morgan is soooo cute!! I want one!! :)



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