
Wow! That's Fantastic!

It's Time for a New Challenge! Wait....I guess I just said that. In the little banner right above this. Oh, well. I said it again. But, for reals, though...it is. It is time for a brand new challenge over on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge blog! This week we are Making it Masculine! We want to see you create projects for the men in your life! The Design Team is featuring CAS-ual Fridays Stamps products and Waffle Flower Crafts products this week!

Wow That's Fantastic! by Jennifer Ingle #casualfridaysstamp #simonsaysstamp #cards #diy

I pulled out THREE of my favorite CAS-ual Fridays Stamp sets for this card. Yes, three favorites. I have a lot of favorites when it comes to CAS-ual Fridays Stamps, what can I say? I stamped using some favorite Simon Says Stamp inks to create a simple, classic design. I have a confession: I don't differentiate between 'masculine' and 'feminine' cards. I make a card for a person. If that person likes blue, I use blue. If that person likes birds or flowers or cake or beer, I choose my images accordingly. I think this card would work wonderfully for any friend who likes bold, clean designs, but we are going to go with masculine for the sake of the challenge, K? K. Glad we had this talk.

Wow That's Fantastic! by Jennifer Ingle #casualfridaysstamp #simonsaysstamp #cards #diy

A wee bit of washi tape and a single sequin accent the top of the card for just a teensy bit of pizzazz! That's a fun word. PIZZAZZ! Go ahead... say it. No, like, for realies...out loud. PIZZAZZZZZ! Yup. Totally a fun word. Plus the word 'pizza' is hidden in it, so that makes it even more awesome.

Wow. Tangent. Okay, so, anyway... now it's your turn to play along with the challenge! Create something awesome for the Make it Masculine challenge and link it up over on the Simon Says Stamp Challenge Blog! We can't WAIT to see what you do! One lucky participant will win a $50 Gift Voucher to the Simon Says Stamp Store! Yup. That's awesome, too.

Have a Happy, folks!


  1. Adorable card Jennifer! What a fun sentiment!!


  2. I love your CAS card Jennifer with a fantastic sentiment!!

    Heather xx

  3. I love your write up, you do make me smile :-) have you thought of writing a book ? ;-)
    WTF, Well Thats Fantastic, Totally awesome card :-)

    Lols x x x

  4. As always, a great design for our theme, Jennifer - love that little washi tape touch!

  5. As always, a great design for our theme, Jennifer - love that little washi tape touch!

  6. Hi Jennifer,

    Oh GOSH I just laughed and laughed when I saw your card. If it could speak it would like totally YELL and shake! How fun!

  7. Great card, Jennifer! I've always loved this CAS set and you brought it to life so beautifully :)

    Simon Says Stamp!

  8. Oh this is brilliant and the corner is a great finishing touch.

  9. This card rocks! Yep, I'd be happy to see it in my mailbox! I love your philosophy of cardmaking - I try to personalize for who I'm creating for, too! I figure that's one of the advantages of making the card rather than buying it! Thanks so much for all you've shared here today!

  10. hey sweet jingle! such a fun card, I luv the design and the small piece of striped paper in the corner...cuuuute!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  11. hey sweet jingle! such a fun card, I luv the design and the small piece of striped paper in the corner...cuuuute!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  12. Simple awesome card jingle!!! So neat!! I am so honoured to work with you this month!!


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