
Live in Sunshine!

Hello, friends! We have a brand new challenge for you this week, and it is your FAVORITE! It is ANYTHING GOES week on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge blog! This week, the design team is featuring Simon Says Stamp Exclusive products, which means LOTS of awesome inspiration! You don't have to use Simon exclusives to participate, but if you have some, we would love to see them! Did you pick up some of the latest Color of Fun release goodies? This is a great excuse to show them off!

Live in the Sunshine by Jennifer Ingle for the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge #justjingle #simonsaysstamp #ssscoloroffun #cards

I used the brand new One With Nature stamp set. P.S. I am head over heels in love with this set. When I first saw it, I knew the images were just so perfectly 'me', but then, after moving past the distraction of AMAZEBALLS images, I saw the typewrite font and just about fell over with joy. In. Love. I tell you. For reals, though. I also used the new Wisteria ink pad. I'm not a big purples person, so my stash was missing them. I decided to purchase this one and man do I love it! I just may need more purples in my life.

Live in the Sunshine by Jennifer Ingle for the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge #justjingle #simonsaysstamp #ssscoloroffun #cards

And now it's YOUR turn! Create something fabulous (just make sure it is NEW) and link it up over on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge blog linky! You can enter up to FIVE creations as long as they are all new! Yup. That's pretty awesome.

One lucky participant is going to win a $50 Gift Voucher to the Simon Says Stamp Store! That could TOTALLY be you, dude. For reals. So enter. K? K. Glad we had this talk.

Have a Happy!


  1. Fabulous card Jennifer! I love the design and the purple is gorgeous
    Mandy x

  2. hey Jingle...I am luvin this set too, sweet, you even have me sold on purple at this moment...teeehehehhe....hope you have a fabulous week!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  3. hey Jingle...I am luvin this set too, sweet, you even have me sold on purple at this moment...teeehehehhe....hope you have a fabulous week!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  4. Gorgeous card Jennifer :-) I love the purple leaves and whole design of this, absolutely fabulous! :-)

    Lols x x x

  5. Great design, Jennifer. Methinks I may "need" this stamp set, too!

  6. Great design, Jennifer. Methinks I may "need" this stamp set, too!

  7. Love the purple!! It looks so pretty with this set :)

    Simon Says Stamp!

  8. Wow! I absolutely love this card! Perfect execution!

  9. Lovely!!! So neat and pretty CAS card!! xoxo

  10. Absolutely love the offset stamping on your card. Awesome CAS card!

  11. A gorgeous card Jennifer, I love the Wisteria ink and a fantastic arrangement of the leaves on Nature's set!!
    Heather xx

  12. Cool! The monochromatic color scheme is awesome :)

  13. Beautiful card Jennifer! I so need that stamp set now!! ;)


  14. i am totally with you!! those images - check!! the typewriter font - check!!! gorgeous card! love the square-y design!!


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