
Wishful Thinking

Yup. I've resorted to wishful thinking. Yesterday was a fabulous 41 degrees, but, alas, today is around 29 again. And there were FLAKES. Fortunately, they are saying less than an inch so the snow is pretty much non-existant today, but STILL! I just want spring. It's time, folks. For reals, though.

Hello Spring

And these birds. In real life. I want them. On my windowsill. (I don't even HAVE windowsills. HAHAHAHA!) But, seriously, you guys, these birds are the CUTEST THINGS EVER! I colored him with Spectrum Noir colored pencils and gamsol. Kept him pretty simple.

Hello Spring (detail)

And with that, I leave you to your day.

Have a Happy, folks!


  1. I'm so ready for spring! An monster icicle is trying to eat the back of my house. The snow plow driver has given up. There is no more room.
    There is only enough room at the end of the driveway cleared for me to get my car through. We've surpassed our seasonal quota in less than a month. Come on spring!

  2. And i LOVE the card. Those birds are adorable : D

  3. These birds KILL me! Love yours...

  4. i agree - those birds...CUTEST THINGS EVER!!! ha ha!!! i LOVE them! and i love that hopeful, nervous little guy in pink wishing for spring!! ha ha!! so so so so adorable!! it's 83 here today (SC), but it's supposed to get to 32 tomorrow. that's cold for us. i wish i could send you some of our warmth - i HATE hot! lol! :D

  5. Ha! Perfect sentiment! I'm off today and so are the girls. I love that bird too, this set is on my wish list!

  6. I agree, these birds are the best!! It'll be about 80 degrees today here in Los Angeles... I know I shouldn't complain, but sometimes I wish we had a winter here! Even just a little one lol!

  7. We could use some Spring too. Adorable bird - love him in pink.

    Deanne :)

  8. I could say I hope Spring gets there quickly but then that means I am asking for Autumn to hit here quickly. Cant sorry. But onto your card, beautiful. I love your colouring andi love these birds.

  9. I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with this bird in expression and sentiment, hahahaha!!!! too cute. ;)


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