

Today is the third and final day of the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps January release. Are you LOVING these new stamps and dies? I was so excited to share them with you and I am so excited that I can use them lots now that the world has seen their awesomeness! Today we have another great set with beautiful sentiments and fonts!

Head over Heels

This card is simple, I know. But it is also one of those cards that I finished and gasped just a little bit. My and The Hubbums' anniversary just so happened to be on New Year's Eve. As soon as I completed this card I knew it would be the PERFECT anniversary card for him. It's not too feminine, it says exactly the right thing, AND... it just so happens to be in our wedding colors, as well! YAY for perfect timing!

Head over Heels (detail)

I used set the stamps out on my card front and then used my stamp press to pick them up and stamp them so they would be aligned just so. I used red ink for just one word to give it pop and to emphasize that part a bit, too. This is a happy card. I kind of love it.

Be sure to head on over to the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps blog to check out what the rest of the girls created with this amazing new set, Smitten! Also, be sure to comment over there for your chance to win this awesome set!

Have a Happy!


  1. Perfect anniversary card for your DH! Love the colors and the design! I hope you had a great anniversary! :)

  2. beautiful!! and happy (late) anniversary!! such a special card for a special moment!!

  3. Love your wonderful card. Thanks for sharing. I bet your husband loved it. Happy {late} anniversary.
    Crafty hugs,
    dmcardmaker {at}{AOL}{dot}{COM}

  4. Happy Anniversary, this is so adorable!!!

  5. I just love this CAS card and the presentation is amazing!

  6. Love this CAS anniversary card! I feel like it captures your personality perfectly! :)


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