
Another Fabulous Year of Being AWESOME!

Just a reminder... I need your votes for the Paper Crafts and Scrapbooking World Card Making Day Contest Honorable Mention! My card is the floral birthday card! Thank you so much to those who have already voted! You guys ROCK!!!

Today I am sharing a simple, but totally fun card. Date stamps. Somehow I feel like many of us end up with them somehow and then we tend to forget to use them. Or not have any clue HOW to effectively use them. I was definitely in this group, anyway. I received this super cute date stamp from the Shimelle Collection. It's adorable. Seriously. BUT, seeing as I don't scrapbook very often, AND, even when I did, I generally didn't use date stamps, I wasn't sure what to do with it. So, naturally, I took it out of the package and stared at it. Because that always works. HA!

Awesome dates

And then I remembered THIS awesome sentiment from Altenew. Yup. Combined with my date stamp, we had LIFT OFF! I changed the dates, including the year, on the date stamp with each use to get all kinds of dates on my card. They go backwards, they go forwards, they basically go all over the place! And that works SO AWESOMELY WELL with the sentiment and I LOVE that. (And yes, awesomely is a word... spell check told me so. No...for reals, though..I was kind of surprised by that, so I thought I should share. Awesomely. It's a word.)


So, in conclusion...

  • Date stamps are actually kind of awesome.
  • Awesomely is totally a word.
  • You actually CAN, awesomely, get ideas by staring at supplies you have no clue how to use.
Don't forget to vote. Awesomely. For reals, though.

The end.

Have a Happy!


  1. I voted!!!! Your card is so cute...I have them dang date stamps and just didnt know what to do with them as well. i do now, You are totally AWESOME!

  2. genius card, love how you used that date stamp and congrats on being featured on the PC blog!

  3. great idea and card--the sentiment is perfect with the date stamp! and love your card at PC!

  4. Yep, I do agree that staring at supplies you have no idea how you'll use works...I do that quite often...haha!
    This card is really great...now I'll look at date stamps differently.
    BTW, hope you win!!

  5. This is such a cool card! Very creative!

  6. LOL omg.. staring at stamps totally works!! Your card is absolutely awesomely awesome and has definitely made me look at date stamps in a totally different way


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