
Winnie & Walter: Premiere of Happy Christmas + The Big, the Bold and the Merry + Cutaways

Welcome to Day 3 of the Winnie & Walter Premiere! I am excited to be showing of two awesome new stamp sets and CUTAWAYS!!! Yes, that's right, folks, Winnie & Walter now has steel cut dies. I may have screamed a little when I found out. You are welcome to do the same. For reals, though. Go ahead...I'll wait.

Now THAT was a great happy dance. Well done, my friend. And now I am excited to share a couple of cards I created using these fabulous new stamps and dies!

Peace & Joy

For this card I went with a classic color scheme and kept the design simple. I love how the negative die cuts look on this one! I popped up the white panel to add dimension and adhered the red ampersand directly to the panel. I am so in love with these dies it is not even funny. For reals, though.

Peace & Joy (detail)

For my second card today I combined The Big The Bold, and The Merry with Happy Christmas. I love how perfectly this image worked with the end of the Christmas stamp!

Happy Xmas

I used the same basic color scheme for this card (It is my favorite for Christmas, after all. LOL!), only this time I added a touch of gold by stamping some areas in gold Delicata ink and adding a few sequins. SHINY!

Merry Xmas (detail)

Be sure to head on over to the Winnie & Walter blog for a TON of inspiration and for your chance to win these AMAZING stamps and dies. For REALS...if you enter no other giveaways this week, please just enter this one. You want them. Trust me on this. No... but really... do it. K. Glad we had this talk.

Have a Happy!!!


  1. Both are just super. Love the way the red pops on the first card. Great use of stamps on the second card. Great work.

  2. OMG! I love both but the xmas card is just genius LOVE love ,love :)
    Kate xx

  3. I like the use of the blacks. the pop of red on the first is great.
    the manger is so pretty in silhouette.
    thanks for sharing some beautiful cards.

  4. Awesome. just awesome. Brilliant use of the manger silhouette. Thank you for inspiring me again today! Hope your day is fantastic!

  5. Your peace and joy card is AWESOME!! I love everything about it. Now I need* those dies. For reals.

  6. Love the clean look to these holiday cards, especially with the bold black being so prominent.

  7. Wonderful cards! I have always liked their big & bold stamps so I'm thrilled to see that they have big & bold dies now too.

  8. Have to agree with Kate and Cresta above about how clever and crazy-smart you were with the xmas! Both cards are beautiful, elegant, classy and awesome.

  9. Love both cards! And the new dies are amazing! ♥

  10. love your classy colors on these and the dies are wonderful!

  11. Awesome, awesome idea with "Xmas"!! You must have been monkey clapping!

  12. Fantastic cards, especially that first one with the negative and positive die cuts.

  13. so awesome!!! I'm headed there now :P

  14. Ooooh...these are very cool! Love!

  15. Love both of your cards and the great dies.

  16. Excelent and elegant cards!! Love that manger stamp!

  17. Stunning is word !! Love the way u used the sentiments in red and black :)

  18. Love that design, so CAS.


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