
Leading Lady Take 2: Super CAS & Super Scary?

Welcome to Take 2 of my Leading Lady posts for Winnie &Walter! Today we are going CAS. SUPER CAS, actually. Super SCARY CAS, even. So, firstly, what is CAS? CAS is Clean and Simple. Yup. Does that mean the cards lack technique? Nope. Does it mean they only use one thing? Nope. It just means that the finished look is Clean and Simple in appearance. Honestly, some of my CAS cards have taken me longer than ones I've done with multiple layers, so it doesn't necessarily mean EASY, either! LOL! Today I have four cards to share with you featuring the super awesome Moonlight stamp set. I loved it so much I wanted to dedicate an entire post to it. For reals, you guys. For. Reals.

And Be Scary

Okay, so, I am starting with my favorite of the group. LOL! Is that allowed? I do hope so! This one is SUPER CAS and super simple, too. I love how this sentiment stamp stands out SO brilliantly, so I let it take center stage on a white panel and accented it only with the small mask stamp, which I coated with my Wink of Stella black for a bit of shimmer. The panel is popped up on a white card base, keeping the design simple, but adding some interest and depth, as well.

Hat and Bat Halloween

For this card I layered my images just *slightly* to bring them together. I colored the hat and then colored the sentiment in an ombre style. I love how the words look! The spider is just sorta hanging out. That is fun. Lotsa fun. For reals, though.

Pumpkin Treats

CAS doesn't mean leaving out the embellishments, either! For this card, I used a small bit of cork to accent the top, along with some sequins. A favorite trick of mine is to cut a sequin in half and use the partial on the edge of an accent or the card. You can see my half sequin on the cork strip. It adds a bit of shine along with the texture!

Frightful & Delightful

And my final card shows how the corner of a card can most definitely be your focal point! I added the spider web, letting it go off the edges a bit and then stamped the spider. A few sequins 'caught' in the web certainly are a bit prettier than flies! HA! I wanted the sentiment to both stand out and ground the design, so I stamped and embossed it on a strip of black cardstock and adhered it with foam tape.

AND... don't forget to leave a comment on this post, for your chance to win a $30 Gift Card to Winnie & Walter! I will choose a winner from the comments on ALL FOUR of my Leading Lady posts at the end of the month! YAY!!! So fun!

I am also linking these fun cards up to the Virginia's View Clean and  Simple Challenge. YAY!

Have a Happy!


  1. Good morning Jingle. I love CAS, although I find the 'clean' much more difficult to achieve than the 'simple' LOL I agree your first card is fab but I was also very taken with the last one. Love that spider web and your design is clean and classy. Thanks for sharing. Hugz

  2. You did a fantastic job with your CAS cards Jingle!! TFS girl.


  3. And the winner of the gold medal in "Classy and Elegant Halloween Cards" is none other than the uber-talented Jingle! *Applause and cheering* Seriously, these truly are lovely....cas and stunning! A quartet of spooky delights. Love the images, but more so, love the magic you've worked with them! Awesome!!

  4. CAS seems to be my thing. I love your cards & I love W&W!

  5. Great cards!!! I love the vintage vibe of this stamp set!

  6. these cards are great. they're clean and simple but so pretty.
    thanks for sharing some wonderful cards.

  7. Positively CASilicious, Jingle ... every single one! I'm particularly taken with the last one ... sequins instead of flies in the web ... soooo much nicer! Anita :)

  8. I love your cards today! For CAS cards they hit the mark. Very creative!

  9. Fabulous cards! Your CAS style is inspiring!

  10. Great cards! Love the top one most and I really dig that simple corner strip of cork with half of a sequin. Perfect embellishing.

  11. I like your fun and scary CAS cards!

  12. nice CAS cards!! love the use if sequins..
    Moxie Craftie

  13. I love your cards, they are so simple and elegant :)

  14. Oh my Ghouls! What a delicious spider web and those pumpkins are so cute!!! Would love to add them to my crafty tool box!! TFS!

  15. Ok, can I tell you how much you ROCK!! I LOVE your fun CAS cards. They are STUNNING!! I cannot pick which one is my favorite either. I think they are all fabulous. Thank you for sharing!!

  16. Awesome cards! Beyond super cute and perfect use of this great stamp set. Fantastic Inspiration!

  17. So classy and elegant! Seriously…….Love them all, especially the first one!

  18. Love CAS cards, some people think it's easy to make a card like that, but that's because they never tried!!! You need a good sense of design, and you definitely have it. Great cards!

  19. Love the clean lines of your cards. They are so much fun.

  20. Awesome cards< Jingle! I'm loving your Leading Lady spot this month!

  21. Love these CAS cards using that great set from W&W! You have done a fabulous job with these!

  22. Fabulous cards!! The first card is my favorite because, well i can't stand spiders and that spider is toooo real looking!! :D

  23. Halloween cards are probably my favorite to make!! Love all of yours!

  24. Love these CAS cards! Love the controlled use of accents/embellishments. Perfect placement of sequins and the cork in the corner of that last one is a great touch!

  25. I love what you did with these stamps! Super awesome job with the CAS designs (and yes, I do know how difficult it is to do CAS well!) Thanks so much for sharing! You're an awesome leading lady!!!

  26. How fun your
    cards are!
    Love the simple
    look of them.
    Carla from Utah

  27. What a packed and full of fun stamp set! Love all of your cards.

  28. Such great Halloween cards! I really love the way you used the little cork at the top of one card and the sequins are a great touch.

  29. Oh my goodness, that spider web card is my favorite! The sprinkling of sequins add just the right touch!

  30. Such cute ideas for Halloween cards! Love it!

  31. BOO-tiful cards Jennifer!!!
    LOVE your FUN & FABULOUS CAS designs ... I confess that I really struggle with CAS too, maybe we should call them CASAS - clean and simple and slow :) I'm a slow crafter at the best of times, so I appreciate your help with ideas for getting some Halloween cards finished & posted in time!!!

  32. great CAS cards, Jingle! Love the pumpkin card especially with the touch of cork at the top.

  33. As someone who struggles with CAS cards, I have to admit that these make me green with envy. Now I'll just put a witch's hat on and I'll be ready for Halloween!

  34. I loveeee these cards! The first one is my favorite, too!

  35. Great cards! So clean and elegant!!!

  36. Wonderful, wonderful cards!!! Love all of them.

  37. ooooh, I like the spider and web card the best. You are so right about CAS cards. I often look at them and wonder what was so simple about that. Even when you just use a simple stamped image, the challenge is finding just the right spot to put it and effective use of negative space.

  38. Love that shadowy face on your jack-o-lantern ... awesome cards ... you are rockin' it.

  39. such fun halloween cards - love every one of them, but especially the last one!!

  40. Really great halloween cards! Love all the white space!

  41. I like all of the cards but the first is my favorite! Thanks so much for sharing the tip about the half sequin! It does draw your eye!

  42. These are fantastic!! Love your use of these W&W goodies!!

  43. Totally adorable cards...love your design style!

  44. These are great!!! I can't wait to try these techniques!!!

  45. love them all--but the spider web card is my fave!

  46. I love each and every card! They are so visually appealing with your mad skills in placement and composition! So glad that you join the fun over Virginia’s View Clean and Simple Challenge!

  47. I'm pretty impressed with these Halloween cards!

  48. Great CAS cards! And I agree... CAS doesn't always mean easy or fast (at least not for me haha).

  49. So great to see you getting so many comments from your Leading Lady role. So good to be on the W&W blog as they are so popular and you will be discovered by lots of new people. Cards are awesome by the way, can't believe I have to look at that creepy spider again!!!!

  50. LOve these scarily clean and simple Halloween cards, Jingle... I love your style!
    =] Michele

  51. Gorgeous group of lovelies! Each card is a wow and I agree with Anita...sequins in the web are truly ingenious!

  52. Love this stamp set and the wonderful CAS cards you created with it. Can't wait to see what you create next!

  53. Oh boy! You really know how to rock the scary.....just kidding. The cards are scarylicious!!!! I have to say im liking the sequins caught in the web...nice touch.

  54. Delightfully scary Halloween cards!

  55. These CAS cards are adorable to beat the band! Love the spider and his web!

  56. Keeping to a clean and simple card is very challenging to me... I'm always itching to add something more... Your cards turned out very well! TFS Jennifer

  57. These cards are just wonderful simplicity! Love the sequins you used on the cards, so sparkly! - TFS <3

  58. Your Halloween cards designs are very cool and spooky!

  59. Lovely cards. Always forget about off the edge stamping, thanks for the reminder.

  60. CAS and so darn adorable! I even love that spider!

  61. I love your CSA style. Thank you for sharing the inspirations and tips!


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