
Creative Blog Hop: Just Jingle Style

You may have seen some of these fun Creative Blog Hop posts around blog land. I was tagged for it by the absolutely amazingly fabulous Joscie! I will share with you a few things about myself and then tag a couple of more friends to share with you! Here goes...

1. What am I working on now?

Well, that's a rotating question, really. LOL! This week I have some projects planned for an upcoming guest designer spot (shhh! Secrets!!!), along with some submission cards I am working on if I can get my act together. HA! I also have found that I have TOO many uninked stamps currently in my studio, so I am trying to make 'just for fun' cards here and there with those because, well... it's FUN! Here is one I created this weekend using the Super Due STAMPtember® exclusive from Simon Says Stamp!


2. How does my work differ from others in my genre?

Ummm... well... Okay, so first, I should probably define my genre, which, I would PROBABLY say is CAS, although, let's be honest, I kinda go all over the place. So, I think that's probably how I differ. I can't sit still in my genre. HA! I just sort of do what feels like a fun thing to do at the time. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it SOOOO doesn't. But it is always fun and it often teaches me new things.

3. Why do I create what I do?

Well, I'm going to cheat and answer the first four words of that question. The 'what' is less important then the 'why' for me. I create because it is in my blood. It keeps me happy. It helps me through things that are hard and allows me to express myself. It is also super fun when things are totally NOT hard. It's just a part of me. I will always create in some way or another.

4. How does my creative process work?

Again, I'm brought to the Ummm.... state, here. Process, huh? I honestly do not have a consistent process. Sometimes I'm super inspired by a new product and I just want to play, so I make something. I don't really plan my projects, I just work as I go and see what comes out. That has down sides. Usually involving questions like, "Well, now how am I going to get that under there when I already stamped and glued that down?" Hmm.... BUT, it is how I work. I just do.

So, alas, there you have it!

I am nominating two super fabulous crafters:

Teri Anderson, because, seriously, you guys... she's amazing AND a giant ray of sunshine in a smile!


Heather Campbell. Because I love her. And she is fabulous. (Actually, she is so awesome she DESIGNED the amazing patterned paper I used on the card above. Yup. For reals.)

Watch for their posts next Monday!

Ka-POW! Go Knock 'em Out, girls!

Have a Happy!


  1. yay for Creative blog hop.. loved reading a little more about you.. this card is adorable.. I actually just inked this set up like 5 minutes ago.. it is just so cute..

  2. Lovely to find out a bit more about you.., we already knew that you are super- talented and fun so this just adds to it ;) x

  3. Love that cute card and enjoyed reading about ur creative process :) I guess it's in my blood too to create LOL!

  4. Fun to read more about you! Super super cute card too 😄

  5. glad to know more about your process, and I love this card!!!

  6. Wow your card is just too cute for words! And I really enjoyed reading about your creative process :)!

  7. I laughed where you look down and wonder how you're going to get that part under what you just stamped! I always seem to have problems with the order of things when I'm winging it. Fun to read about you and your creativity!


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