
Coffee Lovers Bloghop & Giveaway

Today is National Coffee Day! Yes. That exists. Now, before we begin, I have a confession... I'm a tea drinker at heart. Sorry. But it's true. HOWEVER, this past summer I discovered iced coffee and sort of kind of fell in LOVE, soooo... yeah... that happens a couple of times a week now. As a matter of fact, I am currently sipping a Pumpkin Creme Brulee Iced Coffee as I type this. Yup. It's ridiculously delicious.

To celebrate National Coffee Day Chaitali and Amy thought it would be fun to have a GIANT blog hop! There were totally right, dude. Head over to Chaitali's blog to check out ALL of the links AND to see the amazing sponsors! GIVEAWAYS galore, folks!

Get Well

I absolutely LOVE the adorable coffee cup die from Simon Says Stamp and I knew right away that I wanted to use it for this hop! I created an all white design with the heart colored in pink and a pretty navy sentiment from Waltzing Mouse Stamps.


Also, in the interest of all of the fun festivities, I am giving away this fun What's Brewing stamp set from Simon Says Stamp!

Leave a comment here telling me YOUR favorite kind of coffee! For an EXTRA entry (not required), follow my INSTAGRAM page and leave a message here letting me know you follow! (If you do not use Instagram, I am sorry, this entry isn't available to you. You do not need to leave me a comment letting me know you don't use it. You can enter answering the coffee question above. THANKS!)

Giveaway is open world wide and will remain open through 6 October.

Have a Happy!


  1. This is a wonderful card! Thanks for the giveaway! This is the cutest set!

    P.S. My favorite coffee is a caramel frappuccino!

  2. Such an adorable card. I am not a coffee drinker either, tea for me please. :)

  3. My favorite coffee is my Pepsi.
    I don't drink coffee - don't like the taste and could never doctor it so it was good.
    You wake up to coffee - I wake up to Pepsi.

  4. My favorite type of coffee is iced with sugar-free hazelnut syrup and a splash of cream! Thanks for the fun giveaway! Love that stamp set!

  5. I follow you on Instagram (amymaddux). Thanks and Happy Coffee Day!

  6. Right now my favorite coffee is Green Mountain's Pumpkin Spice K-Cups - - but my favorites change with the seasons!

  7. aww I love your card.. that heart is perfect.. great card and thanks for the giveaway.. I LOVE that set.. :)

  8. I love the white on white. Very striking and this coffee set is adorable! love Simon Says Stamp!

  9. Your white on white card is perfection...love! Thanks for a chance to win, what a cute set! My favorite kind of coffee is Maxwell House...I know, simple, but delicious in my book! :)

  10. Simply sweet card ..... Love an extra hot Gingerbread Latte !!

  11. LOVE this card - all the white is gorgeous!
    I must confess I do not like coffee unless you count a coffee crisp chocolate bar- then I'm a fan.
    I am a chai tea drinker.

  12. Love your CAS card! I need that stamp set soooo badddd!! My fav coffee, and that is totally not a fair question cause I have a zillion favorites..haha, I'm currently drinking Seattle's Best #4 with my french press.

  13. Love this card! Favorite coffee = peppermint white mocha! It's christmas time all year with that coffee! :)

  14. Aww...this is so sweet! Love! And for me, nothing taste quite good like 'Kauai Coffee'...yummmmm...

  15. Love the way you cut your cup die! My favorite coffee is New England Breakfast Blend.

  16. I love this CAS card!
    My favorite coffee is actually just black. Yes, I am a die hard black coffee drinker. I used to use cream in my coffee but when I needed to lose some weight, I gave up the cream so that I could still have one cookie with my coffee. That's my trade off. Zero calories. I do every so often get a Pumpkin Spice latte. But I would probably rather have a piece of pumpkin bread or cake with my black coffee!!!
    Thanks for the fun giveaway :-)

  17. sweet card... not a coffee drinker, either. a chai tea latte for me please, lol!

  18. Wonderful card,
    love the die.
    I don't drink
    coffee, but it
    sure smells
    Carla from Utah

  19. Love lots of Caramel in my latte....

    super cute card!

  20. Adorable, I love the die cute. I follow you on Blogger and Instagram!

  21. I totally stalk...ah, follow you on Instagram. LOL

  22. Mmmm, coffee...it is one of the reasons I do everything I do! My favorite is pumpkin when I can get it, followed by gingerbread and hazelnut. Just no decaf!

  23. Love the white on white look!

    My fav coffee: Salted Caramel Mocha @Starbucks.... YUM!

  24. Super cute card and I love tea too!! Especially a London Fog...which is great at night since I don't want the caffeine via coffee. As to favorite coffee...well that would be a Pumpkin Spice Latte. Off to find you via Instagram.

  25. I got my SSS kit Saturday and plan on inking it up today! Lovely card sweet friend.

  26. Such a lovely card, I love the CAS style with pops of color!

    And as for my favorite type of coffee.. hmm I would have to go with Ethiopian or Kenyan coffee. French pressed and served black :)

  27. Oh yea, and I follow your IG! (@handmadebyyuki & @ucaree). Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway :)

  28. Such a cute card! Love the white on white look you've done- so pretty! If I had to pick a favorite, it's my morning cup :) Starbucks Pike's Place Roast with Dunkin' Donuts Extra Extra Creamy and Sweet creamer- with cinnamon sprinkled on top! I might have to make another cup today!

  29. What a cute card! So simple! I do not drink coffee. Love the smell and love coffee flavored candies, but cannot stand the taste of actual coffee ;)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  30. Super cute card! I'm loving my pumpkin spice coffee with pumpkin pie creamer! Tis the season, right?!?!

  31. Great card Jingle - I love all the clean and fresh white! I've got the October card kit too - fun one!

  32. Definitely a winner in the awesome category! I'm not a coffee snob and enjoy a K-cup of Timothy's German Chocolate or a $6 fancy-schmancy frappa-mocha-latte :-) Thanks for the giveaway!

  33. Wow you white wonders are awesome :) Love that sweet little heart on ur design!

  34. what a lovely CAS card! my favorite drink--- iced mocha, no whip!

  35. How glorious ... white on white with just a pop of gorgeous colour ... fantastic! Favourite coffee ... that'd be the café au lait at our local bar! Anita :)

  36. Super adorable card with the negative die cut! My favorite kind of coffee is french vanilla! I just add a little bit of milk and enjoy.

  37. I love hazelnut coffee. and I follow you on instagram. My username is breelovesfashion8.

    Thank you! my email is perezashley60@hotmail.com
    would love to win.

  38. Love how you created this!! So cute!

  39. Aw, what a sweet cuppa get well wishes! Love this idea.
    My favourite coffee that I drink every day is an Italian brand, Lavazza.

  40. What a perfectly CAS cuppa joe! My favorite [this week] is hazelnut... I know, so old-school, but I've fallen in love again!!
    =] Michele

  41. Ooh, love this cute card and I do love my coffee too! My favorite way to drink it is just with warm milk. Nothing fancy...just hot and ever present!

  42. Love that cute coffee cup die! Great card!
    I'm not a coffee drinker, but every now and then I love a mocha!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. This blog hop is making my wishlist very long! I need that die! Your card is beautiful - love the layered white on white - CAS perfection!

  45. Cute card, love the white and pop of pink! I try not to drink coffee because I get additicated to it...not a bad additication but an expensive one. I'd rather buy stamps lol. If i do drink it's a hazelnut caramel latte from the coffee bean...sooo darn good!

  46. I love that you made this a Get Well card. I drink both tea and coffee. I have to have my coffee flavored. I just switched from Salted Caramel to the ubiquitous Pumpkin Spice. yum.

  47. Great Card
    Mmmm Mocha French Vanilla
    thanks for the chance :)
    hugs Nikki

  48. Such a cute card! Love the simple white layering! So much awesome inspiration on the Coffee Lovers Hop! My favorite coffee is regular from Dunkin hot or iced! Thanks for the chance to win!

  49. I follow you on instagram as well. I love how IG lets me check out lots of inspiring cards quickly.

  50. I love your little cup cut-out on the white background- creates great shadowing!!!

  51. Am a follower on Instagram, of course! You have a ton of inspiration!!!

  52. My fav' coffee is actually cafe' con leche with expresso! Yum! Otherwise, it's a combo of Columbian with Arabian then French Vanilla coffee cream. I even bring it on vacations!!!

  53. super sweet Jingle! A little Chicken soup for the soul! I love this coffee hop!

  54. WOWOWOWOWOWOW!! LOVING your Card for today's Blog Hop!! =) Such an AWESOME Design!! I LOVE my coffee with Flavored Creamer or should I say I like my Flavored Creamer with alittle coffee!!?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA this weeks is Spiced Pumpkin YUMMY!! =) THANKS for sharing and for the chance to win!! Have a Fabulous Week!! =)

  55. Jingle this is a sweetest card I have seen today the cup in the middle of the white card and the sentiment and the heart..ooh I love it may I drink it....

    I love to drink tea its my problem but coffee with milk I think I will try to like it...as I was children I eat always coffee bonbon and its also nice...

    if you wanna look at my card it is # 46 on the linky party...would be glad if you could visiting me back...A very happy National Coffee Day for you too :)

  56. Love your sweet and simple card! My fav kind of coffee is with a flavored creamer.

  57. White on white, its so crisp and clean....gorgeous!! To be honest, I don't drink coffee or tea but if I had to choose, it would have to be a mochacino(?) with more chocolate than coffee. I do love the smell of coffee beans though, divine!

  58. SUPER CUTE card - LOVE the design, with the coffee cup "window"!!!
    I'm afraid I'm not much of a coffee drinker, usually having herbal teas. I'm quite boring on the coffee front and if I have one it is black, no sugar - if we're out and I get a cappuccino for a treat, it has to have plenty of sugar in it (... maybe that's why I don't have them often).
    Thank you for the chance to win this fun stamp set :)

  59. I love the white on white...absolutely fabulous. The pink heart...super SWEET.

    Well, I drink coffee and tea...it's all good.

    LOVE that SSS stamp set {& kit!} Such a fun giveaway!

    thanks for linking up to the Coffee Lovers Blog Hop!

  60. What a cute card. I really like how the little heart stands out. I am sure that the recipient of this card will feel the love and care when then get it and start to feel better!

  61. Wow this is really great. Love the CAS look!!

  62. Great card! I wouldn't have thought to use it for a get well card. Great idea!

  63. I am addicted to strong black coffee! It can be brewed or instant as long as it is strong!!

  64. Fabulous card, love the white on white (don't pick me, I already have that set).

  65. i adore this set! my favorite coffee is a dunkin donuts latte...a friday treat!

  66. Love the card and the cute stamp set. I love my coffee bold, sweet and creamy! :P

  67. My current "favorite" is the pumpkin spice frappaccino. (Can't spell it though.)

  68. I like my coffee black and on the strong side.....although if I am at Starbucks, I *never* get "plain" coffee. I always go for the mochas, lattes, and fraps!

  69. I also just became your follower on Instagram!


Thank you for visiting! I love to hear your thoughts!