
Enjoying the Journey

Yup. It's important. Enjoying the journey. Each day is a part of it and, in a way, a journey in itself. I honestly think it is so important to not be constantly waiting for Friday, waiting for our favorite season, waiting for vacation... waiting...waiting...waiting. Nope. Stop waiting. Enjoy THIS moment. Breath it in. Be.

Here... Smile. No, like, for reals, do it. Right now. Now laugh. Even if it's fake, just laugh. Even fake laughter actually makes the body feel better, happier, and more alive! And the best part is...then it can turn into REAL laughter and be even MORE fabulous! 

Enjoy the Journey

Enjoy. The journey.

Enjoy the Journey (detail)

You can find links to the products I used below. 

Have a Happy!


  1. so super cute
    love the arrows and compass

  2. Beautiful card! I love how it can also be a masculine card as well. And I agree, laughter leads to happiness (and more laughter lol =P)!

  3. This is fantastic Jen, love your use of product!

  4. Wise words, Jen ... and a fabulous masculine card to go with them! Anita :)

  5. My sentiments exactly and I love this card! Great design and little twirls of twine!

  6. Beautiful! Love the placement of the sequins!

    Deanne :)


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