
Jingle All The Way!

Okay, first off, let me be completely and utterly honest with you.

I buy stamp sets with 'jingle' sentiments just because it's my name and I love that.

K. Now that you know that, and it's all out there and in the clear, I feel as though we can move forward with this open and honest relationship. Transparency is everything, is it not?

*insert cheese-tastic wink here*

But, for reals, you guys...I REALLY LOVE Jingle-ish sentiments and I REALLY love cuteness, so this new Bebunni set coming from Crafter's Companion in a few days is REALLY making me happy. Like, lots of happy. For reals. Lots. Happy. Lots of happpy. K. Moving on.

Jingle All the Way

Ummmm... HOLY CUTENESS, BATMAN! For REALS, though people. That is a seriously adorable image. I colored him with my Spectrum Noir markers and just a touch of Gold from my Wink of Stella brush on the jingle bell. YAY! (The colors I used are as follows in case you have them and want to create something in this ilk. P.S. I love the word ilk. P.P.S. I shouldn't write on Saturdays, my mind obviously likes to wonder to far away lands. P.P.P.S. I'm going back to those colors now: TN1, TN2, TN3, TN4, TN6, PP1, PP3, PP5, GG1, GG2, GG3, GT1, GT2, and True Black)

Jingle All The Way (detail)

I used a strip of American Crafts glitter tape along the bottom along with some enamel dots from My Mind's Eye to accent the fun image. You really need to keep your eye on the Crafter's Companion Facebook page for more Bebunni cuteness! This release... OH.MY.CUTE. Seriously, you guys. I'm LOVING it!

So, that's Bebunni in a reindeer suit. I thought it was a moose, though, so if you thought it was a moose, that's cool, too. Moose are cool now. Moose? Meese? Nope. Moose. K.

Have a Happy!


  1. Aww how super cute is this! You did a fabulous job!

  2. love this little guy and how you colored him!

  3. That's a cute little guy! I love the cheese-tactic part on your blog. It made me LOL you are so awesome!

  4. Tee hee...I love it when you write on Saturday's! I really, really needed a smile today! Thanks!!! Now, about your card - how stinkin' cute is this?!!!? Love it!

    ... your secret is safe with us :)

  6. So cute! I love the little bell hanging down and of course this sentiment is perfect for you!

  7. This is so cute! And I was totally thing about the plural of moose when we talked about this the other day, lol!

  8. Ok yes - this little bunny with the reindeer ears....eeeeeek!!! So amazing!! I seriously was giggling when I saw it bc it's so flipping cute!! And I love that it has the Jingle in the sentiment! of course you must have it! duh! Ha ha ha!

  9. Of course, you would have to use "Jingle, all the way!!" And yes, I totally agree, that these Bebunni stamps are adorable! Love the shadow because of it being cut out and popped up, too!

  10. I love this adorable bunny and how beautifully u colored it :)


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