
Leaving on a Jet Plane

Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog

Happy Wednesday! It's time for a new Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge and this week we are TRAVELING! (Which is funny, because I really am traveling. And no, you can't break into my home, I have someone there along with two large black dogs that won't much care for your unexpected visit. HA!) The Design Team is using Studio Calico products this week! We'd love to see you use them, as well, if you have them, but they are not required for the challenge.

Airplane Thanks

Yup. I pulled out the Jumbo Jet dies again. I LOVE THEM!!! I mixed them with some papers from the Studio Calico Atlantic collection, which I LOVE! I finished it off with a fun sentiment die. I would say I love it, but I think I've overused the word love at this point. For reals, though. I do. Love it, that is.

Airplane Thanks (detail)

And, of course, one lucky challenge participant will win a $50 Gift Voucher to the Simon Says Stamp store! Woot! Woot!

You can check out the products I used in the links below! Have a Happy!


  1. Very cool card Jennifer!! Love the jet plane!! Great design!


  2. What a fun card, Jennifer, love that pop of the orange plane. Just a great design!

  3. Fantastic card and a great idea on using this theme! I love that you added to much deatail and picked the "plane" theme!! I was truly challenged by this week's theme, but you girls rocked it so easily!!!

    Great card....the next time I hop on a plane will be in September when I fly out to San Diego to visit my son and DIL --- I can't wait ..miss them like crazy, but also LOVE summer here..so I'm not in a rush and will love an extended Cali Summer with them!!


  4. Fabulous card Jennifer, love it :)
    Mandy xx

  5. A fabulous card Jennifer, I love your plane and gorgeous background papers.

    Heather xx

  6. There you go again with the airplane die...love it. awesome card!

  7. GORGEOUS--love the color choice!

  8. Oh this is fabulous, love the plane.

  9. Fabulous card Jennifer :-) I love the plane die too ;-) the whole design is gorgeous :-)
    Hope you're having a great time !! :-)

    Lols x x x

  10. Amazing card, Jennifer! :) Love the chevron plane and the stars.

  11. hi Jingle! sweet card, the bold orange airplane is awesome....makes me want to jump on board! hope your weekend is fabby!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  12. Love your card Jennifer, love the plane dies.

    Jo x

  13. So much fun! The airplane is awesome, but ya gotta have the wood veneer! I used it on my project, too!
    The papers you used are really awesome! Thanks so much for sharing!

  14. Cool! I love that doodle background paper and the way it worlds as a backdrop under the plane flight scene. Blessings!


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