
ABC, 123, You And Me

It is Day 2 of the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps May Release sneak peeks! Today we are showing off another musically inclined set, however, I will spare you my puns for today.

You're welcome.

Today we are showing off the Heart Beats stamps set along with the Double Note Fri-Die! They work perfectly together, but they stand alone really well, too! I decided to do a bit of watercoloring (shocking, I know. HA!) and I inlayed the die cut, as well. Super fun!

ABC 123 You and Me

Okay, so here's my confession: I really love that neat look at the bottom of the watercolored portion... and I got it entirely by accident and by being impatient. LOL! I added the three colors and then, knowing I wanted to do a painted inset die cut, I went straight to my Big Shot without letting the panel dry completely. By pressing it between the plates while still wet, I got that cool look! Hey! It's a technique now! HA! LOL!

ABC, 123, You and Me (detail)

Be sure to head on over to the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps blog to check out what the rest of the team has created. The creativity of this team never ceases to amaze me!


  1. I love an accidental technique!! The quote is cute too. But I especially like the inlayed note

  2. totally loving those watercolors!

  3. Swoon! Love love this one, Jingle :)

  4. this is so awesome.. great color combo..

  5. Fun card! Love the watercolor!

  6. happy accident, love the inlaid watercolored die!

  7. Very cool accidental technique!! Love it! The colors here are awesome!

  8. Love this! That "oops" is great!

  9. Your watercolor "mistake" is just awesome! I want to give it a try!! :)

  10. I've been wanting to get over here to comment on your watercolored note that's inlaid on your card base ... love, LOVE, super-love!!! Awesome idea, Jingle!!

  11. That watercolored sentiment BG is beautiful, love the colors u picked !


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