
Some Sweet Treats!

And the calorie free kind, and all!  I have a cute little Humphrey card to share with you today for my Crafter's Companion post!  I used the Chocolate Box set for this one, seeing as I know lots of folks are likely to have one of those around the house... that is, if it has made it this long!  *wink*

Sweet Treats

I kept this one fairly simple, but I did use quite a few Spectrum Noir markers to get the finished look.

Here is the list of colors I've used:  IG1, IG2, BT1, BT2, CR9, DR4, TB4, IB2, DG3, CG1, DR1, DR5, DR7, PL1, DR3, TN7, GB8, Blende

A bit of lace at the top softens the look and lends to the lovely feel of the card.  It's cute!

That's all I have for you today!  I am fortunate to have a three day weekend due to President's Day, so I am enjoying some time off!  I hope some of you are, as well!

Have a Happy!


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