
Fifty Shades of OHMYGAWSH!!!

For reals, you guys!  It's the FIRST CAS-ual Fridays Challenge of the new term WITH the new format, dudes.  It's gonna ROCK!!!

Yup.  Good news, though.  You don't have to use fifty.  Just use two or more shades of grey and that will be sexy enough for us, thankyouverymuch!  HAHAHA!  I crack myself up sometimes.  I really and truly do.  *sigh*


Ummm...I love grey.  Like, super duper LOTS of love grey.  THUSLY, it was not even remotely difficult for me to find a few different grey inks in my stash, so I decided to pull those out along with a touch of mint julep because, well, it's yummy, THAT'S why!  Right?  Right.  K.  My greys are Hero Arts charcoal, soft granite, and silver.  Mmmm.... grey! (You can find links to all below.)  I used the Exclamations stamp set from CAS-ual Fridays Stamps.  It's awesome, dudes.  For reals.


I would love to tell you that the popped up banner, which I LOVE, that offsets the string of gems on the bottom row quite nicely was all a part of my original scheme, however, it was totally a happy accident.  P.S.A of the day:  When using silver ink, let it dry 100% prior to erasing your guidelines.  Just sayin'.  *insert shifty eyes here*

SOOOO...here's the deal, this new design team has ROCKED this challenge and you are NOT going to want to miss out on their amazing inspiration!  A.MAZE.BALLS, people.  Plus, this post has altogether too many capital letters, so you probably need to go rest now, anyway.  It happens from time to time.  I'm not usually considered a quiet person.  What?  *crickets*

K....  so, anyway... head on over to CAS-ual Fridays, check out the inspiration and then link up your amazing shades of grey inspired project!  You are going to ROCK IT!  You have lots of time to enter and the prizes (yes, plural) are awesome, so... do it.

Have a Happy!


  1. Such a great way to use that fun sentiment and the bling is perfect!

  2. oh my gawsh... such a GREAT card!!! :-)
    Sylvia xx

  3. Very fun card. Love your happy accident and the bling!!

  4. I have had that exact same 'happy accident' and yours worked beautifully to balance the line of pearls on the bottom. I would never have thought to use pink pearls with the mint, but it is so pretty! Great to be on this DT With you!

  5. Love the repeated stamping of the sentiment! It's so effective and lovely to look at! The added blings are SWEET (who knew it was not part of the original plan?)! You sure rock it!

  6. what a happy accident to change the design of your card! love the row of pearls!

  7. Love your happy accident because that popped up sentiment is so cool! Love the colors you added with the grays, too!

  8. Jen now I know how to use that sentiment in the set--fantastic!

  9. I can not believe you used a WHOLE row of gems!!!!ack! You are a big spender! :) made the card pretty though.

  10. OhMyGawsh for reals!! This is so FABULOUS!


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