
Distress Ink Watercoloring

With the watercolor look gaining in popularity, I have been playing with different methods more and more.  For this card, I pulled out some of my Tim Holtz distress inks and my craft mat to do a little ink watercoloring.  I pressed the ink pads onto my craft mat and then used a waterbrush to pick up the colors and add them to my stamped images.

Watercolor Thank You

For the sentiment banner, I masked off an area and then used a couple of different inks in blue tones to get my ombre look.  I really love how that part turned out.  The colors just blended beautifully and did exactly what I wanted them to do.  I grounded them with a bit of black and then added a strip of glitter paper for some sparkle!

Watercolor Thank You

The postcard stamp is from the Camden Town Male 1 set from Crafter's Companion and the sentiment is from the Sentimentals Love is All You Need set.  I love the sentimentals sets.  And the Camden sets, for that matter.  This card combines some of my favorites!  YAY!!!

Have you tried watercoloring with distress inks?  I love it.  I really do.  It's a lot of fun to do and a bit less messy than pulling out the tubes of watercolors.  I have some pots, too.  Those aren't messy.  I like them.  I need to get a good watercolor palette, though.  Like... the grown-up version of those white trays with the 6 colors in them we had as kids.  If you have one that is great quality I'd love to know about it!  Well... that was a bit of a random rambling on watercolors, but, alas.  HA!

Have a Happy!!!


  1. Pretty! I'm a late convert to Tim inks and I'm just now starting to accumulate them! Thanks for the reminder on another way to use them!

  2. So very cool, Jennifer! I love that border of postcards!

  3. I LOVE how you did the banner, so cool! Watercoloring makes me happy!

  4. I really like this technique and your design!

  5. Lovely card :)
    I like the look of the softness of the distress inks.
    I did some water colouring just today with the distress markers :)

  6. I love how your card turned out. I have been playing around with water coloring with distress markers and ink pads. So fun!!!


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