
Awesome New Embossing Folders from Sheena Douglas

Hello, friends!  My giveaway over on my Just Jingle page on Facebook will remain open until sometime tomorrow!  Be sure to head on over for your chance to win TWO free CAS-ual Fridays Stamp Sets!  Woot!  Woot!

Today I have a gorgeous card to share with you and it is all due to one of the amazing new embossing folders designed by Sheena Douglas for Crafter's Companion.  I LOVE this folder!  It is so detailed and so pretty!  I decided to use it as the primary focal point for my card.

Architectural Birthday

Isn't that just awesome?  I love it.  The folder just stands alone so beautifully!  AND... what you can't see in this photo is that I sprayed the entire card before adding the simple sentiment from the Memories are Made Sentimentals set with iridescent glitter spray!  So pretty!  Just a bit of shimmer and sparkle!  I do so love shimmer and sparkle!

Architectural Birthday (glitter details)

Be sure to head on over to Crafter's Companion to check out the entire range of new embossing folders!  There are some really pretty ones in this new mix!

Have a Happy!


  1. very cool embossing folder and awesome card

  2. The embossed card looks great! Love how you accentuated the pattern with the simple banner :)

  3. stunning, love that embossing folder!

  4. Just received the embossing folder. Totally CASed your card. Oh, so very pretty. Thanks.


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