
Cupid's Arrows and Heart Board

I have the final sneak of the week for CAS-ual Fridays Stamps today!  And, while I love ALL of the goodies in this release, today's is definitely my favorite!  These stamps and dies are going to see a lot of ink and cardstock in my studio, that is for sure!!!

I Love You

Ummm... yup.  LOVE those hearts.  Love them.  Lots.  And then a little more lots.  And the ARROWS?!!!  You will have to check out the whole set over on the CAS-ual Fridays stamps blog, but the sentiments are all arrows like this and I just adore them!

I love You (detail)

I used Delicata ink to stamp the heart.  Because it's my favorite.  Ever.  I used a great Simon Says Stamp red ink for the sentiment.  Both of those make me happy.  I do so love good ink!!!

Be sure to head on over to the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps blog to check out what the Ink Squad had created AND to enter for your chance to win this AWESOME set for FREE!!!!!  Dude.  You know you need it.  All of the new sets will be available for sale tomorrow!  Woot!  Woot!!!

Have a Happy!


  1. That bulls eye heart is awesome.

  2. Super card - love the colors !!!

  3. Love the Simplicity of this card! So pretty!

  4. Those hearts look fabulous in gold and all popped up like you have here. Love your red arrow with it too!

  5. I love your card because of the yellow! Ingenious!

  6. Love the raised hearts. Looks great!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  7. My favorite gold ink & a truly fabulous card!


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