
CAS-ually Going Out on a Limb

Happy Friday, folks!!! Today is a BUSY day here at Just Jingle! This is my first of three posts! And they are ALL AWESOME!!! They will be staggered, so keep an eye on the blog all day for more fun!

To get things started, we have a super fun challenge over at CAS-ual Fridays for you this week! We are going out on a limb and we want you to join us! Yup! Limbs, trees, etc.! That's what we want to see!!! I decided to pull out a favorite Simon Says Stamp die along with my Simon Says December card kit for this one!


HELLLOOOOO sparkly paper! I totally love that stuff! Glitter just makes me happy, what can I say? I also really love the colors on this one. Just happy and glittery Christmas! YAY!

25 (detail)

So, here's the deal... head on over to the CAS-ual Fridays Challenge blog to check out what the rest of the team has created... you guys... SERIOUSLY! You MUST go see these cards! They are AMAZEBALLS! I was shocked at how awesome everyone did this week! Go. See 'em. Love 'em.

Then join in the challenge!

Have a Happy!


  1. Love the red and silver on this pretty card - and that great die cut tree!

  2. And this one I already knew that I loved : )

  3. Jingle, What a fun and cheery card that's sure to bring a smile to its recipient's face! Love the glittery paper. Sadly, I avoid almost all glitter. Since most of the cards I are for OWH, I try to keep my crafting space a glitter-free zone. :)

  4. Oh my glittery goodness! Love the layout of this card and the colors!

  5. I didn't know red and silver combination would look so beautiful.Love this :)


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