
A Christmas Eve Giveaway! Guilt Trip by Laura Childs

Happy Christmas Eve!  YAY!!!  I have a super fun giveaway for you today!

Laura Childs is one of my absolute FAVORITE authors!  She writes a wonderful Tea Shop series, a fun culinary series, and, my personal favorite, a series of scrapbook shop mysteries!  I was recently sent a copy of her latest title, Guilt Trip, and I was NOT dissapointed!  

The main character, Carmela Bertrand, is caught in the midst of yet another scandelous murder investigation!  She quickly finds her self doing her own research whilst running her scrapbook shop, Memory Mine, all the while.  The characters are expressive, relatable, and totally fun!  I consider them friends.  LOL!  The story moves quickly and is easy to read with lots of fun twists along the way.  This is truly a pleasure to read.  Go make yourself a cup of tea, sit down and enjoy!!!

Here is a bit about the author: Laura Childs is the author of the New York Times bestselling Tea
Shop Mysteries, Cackleberry Club Mysteries, and Scrapbooking Mysteries series. She’s
been making scrapbooks, cards, memory boxes and collaged cigar box purses for 15 
years and describes her creative style as varying from conservative to funky. She’s also 
a believer that “the more layers the better” in her projects.

Yup.  She sounds pretty darned fabulous if you ask me!  :)  We could totally hang out.

I have a signed copy of Gilt Trip to give away to one lucky Just Jingle reader!  To enter, please check out the form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I think it only fitting that since we share a similar last name, that I be the lucky winner of this novel. Happy Holidays to you and yours, Jen!!

  2. A friend sent me a one of her books a few Christmas back. Love it and have read a few more! Thanks for the chance to win this! Merry Christmas!

  3. Looks like a fun read - would be perfect entertainment for the plane ride on an upcoming work trip :-)

  4. I HAVE read several of Laura Child's books from her scrapbooking series and quite enjoyed them! Thanks for the chance to win!

  5. This would be my first book. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  6. I totally enjoyed a previous book of hers

  7. I haven't read any of Laura Childs' books yet. I don't know why not - I love mysteries and I love scrapbooking! LOL Thanks for the chance to win!

  8. I LOVE Laura Childs' scrapbooking series. Would love to win an autographed book. Will have to look for her tea shop series.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I scrapbook mystery? What a fun series!! How have I not read this before?? :)

  11. This would be such a treat to win thank you for the chance :) hugs Nikki C

  12. Sounds like a fun series. I'll have to check it out.

  13. Haven't read any of her books yet, but it sounds great!

  14. Thanks for the suggested read, sounds great!

  15. I have read all of Laura's Tea Shop Mysteries, looking forward to the new one in March! I was at Laura's FB page looking for a cranberry scone recipe to make Christmas morning when I came across the chance to win this!

  16. I belong to a mystery book club and these sound right up my alley.
    thanks for a chance to win!
    Linda Patti tpatti@windstream.net

  17. Oh my gosh I must check this author out.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    Crafty hugs,

  18. LOVE the Laura Childs Scrapbook Mysteries and haven't read this one. Thanks for the chance to win this and apread the crafty fun!

  19. I've never read any of her books- but I'd love to one day!!

  20. I've read some of the tea shop mysteries but not the others. How did I miss a scrapbook series??

  21. I have not read Laura Childs before but she sounds like an author that I would enjoy reading. Thanks for the chance to win.

  22. I have not heard of here or of any of the series of books that she writes. But they sound fabulous and I can't wait to get my hands on one!!

  23. I have not heard of this series. Sounds intriguing. Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  24. I haven't read any of Laura Child's books but my Mom is a big fan so I know she would LOVE this prize!

  25. Ooooh, this looks interesting. Happy Hols, buddy.

  26. I think I have read one, but I can't remember! So, sign me up!!!!

  27. I love her books! Thanks for the chance to win.


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