
A Very CAS-ual Curtain Call

We have a bit of an EXTRA fun challenge for you over at CAS-ual Fridays this week!  We are joining up with the folks over at the CURTAIN CALL challenge!  You make one card and get to link up to BOTH!  Whoa!  Seriously, though, dudes, it's pretty fabulous.

You can see the inspiration photo above.  CAS-ual Fridays Stamps is sponsoring, so I decided to pull out one of the BRAND NEW sets that we just released this week for my card!  I used the Wallflower set to create my own pretty shiny Christmas tree!  YAY!

Peach on Earth

The colors in the photo were a bit tricky for me, so I decided to give those a try along with the tree theme for my take on the photo.  I like challenging myself and I really love how this turned out.  I never would have thought to pull out those ink colors together and they really work!  YAY!

Peace on Earth (detail)

Ummm... I heart Wink of Stella.  Yup.  Totally used it to add glitter to the tree.  Totally LOVING IT!!!!  Sparkle!

So... head on over to CAS-ual Fridays to check out the inspiration there AND head on over to Curtain Call and check out the inspiration THERE, too ... THEN  make something AWESOME and link it up, chica!


  1. Love your tree! I'm going to hunt me down some of that Delicata ink.

  2. what a clever blossom tree! love all the shimmer on it!

  3. Brilliant Jennifer, what a cool effect!

  4. I am loving the glitter and the silver accents!

  5. You've created one gorgeous tree - fabulous job with the colors!

  6. Great stamping for this tree image! I love the accents to the flower centers too! Brilliant!

  7. Really great stamping on this one...it does look like it would be a bit tricky, but you totally nailed it!

  8. You clever girl, that flower tree is awesome!! Way to stick with the colors too : )

  9. Oh, I wish I could think outside the box like this! Your tree looks amazing, and I love the polka dot edging.

  10. WOW! I am in love with this card!! Great Use of these stamps!
    Thanks so much for playing along with us at the Curtain Call Inspiration Challenge Blog!

    Jessica Kephart


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