
Simon Says STAMP!

***This is my second post for today!  To check out my CAS-ual Fridays Release Sneak Peek, scroll down or CLICK HERE!***

Yup!  That's the challenge for this week over at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!  Get out those clear and/or rubber stamps and get INKY!  No digis allowed this week!  It's all about good 'ole fashion stampin', folks!  The design team is using stamps from Clearly Besotted and/or Neat & Tangled this week!  If you have stamps from these great companies, we'd LOVE to see what you do with them, but you can use ANY non-digi stamp!  GET INKY!!!!  Woot!

Sequin Confetti Birthday

I pulled out a favorite Neat & Tangled set, Across the Card.  I LOVE these super fabulous sentiment stamps!  I also loaded my card up with sequins.  Why?  Because I love sequins, that's why.  For reals.  I do.  I totally {heart} them like super lots.  Just sayin'.

Happy Birthday (detail)

Yup.  Love 'em.  YAY!!!  Oh.. And in other news... THE RED SOX WON!!!!!!!!!!!  Whew!  Sorry.  Had to get that out of my system.  But, like, totally... YAY!!!!

Now it's YOUR turn!  Stamp something fabulous and link it up to the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge blog for your chance to win a $50 Gift Voucher to the Simon Says Stamp Store!  Woot!  Woot!

If you are participating in the challenge please be sure to link a NEW card and also turn off word verification.  Mostly because it makes me want to punch your blog in the face.  No, like, for reals, you guys.  Please just nix it, dude.  Thanks.  You rock!

Have a Happy!!!!


  1. Super cool card Jennifer!! Love all of the sequins!!


  2. Very fun and colorful card! I love all the sequins! xo

  3. Love your designs, Jennifer - I always learn something here when I come to visit!

  4. Fabulous card Jennifer :-) I LOVE sequins too ! and the simple design and sentiment are perfect :-)

    Lols x x x

  5. Jennifer, this is So fun! Love the 'excited', festive feel of this, and your stamping is SO perfectly straight! LOL :)

  6. Pretty CAS card! I love the sequins!!

    Simon Says Stamp!

  7. YAY STAMPINGS!! And pretty sequins too!!! Maybe I will enter this challenge for the first ever time!!

  8. Card is super cool! Do not punch blogs in the face, it is painful. Some blogs punch back.

  9. Love all those sequins, fabulous card.


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