
Ho! Ho! Ho!!!

***This is my second post of the day!  To check out my Newton's Nook SEA-son's Greetings Post, scroll down or click on the banner above and then scroll down if you came to this post directly!  Thanks!***

Hello, friends!  Today I have another fun Crafter's Companion card for you!  I pulled out the Christmas Magic stamp set, once again, along with the Let it Snow Embossing Folder.  I am so in love with this stamp set, you guys!  For reals!  It has SUCH great sentiments and all in glorious red rubber!  LOVE IT!

HoHoHo 25

I used some fun Lawn Fawn patterned papers and went with a basic banner style design over the embossed panel.  I love how the embossing totally steps it up a notch!  So fun!

Ho! Ho! Ho! (detail)

Be sure to check out even more awesome Crafter's Companion inspiration over on their Facebook page!!!  Also, while you are there, don't forget to enter to win a COMPLETE set of Spectrum Noir markers!!!  They are AMAZING and you don't want to miss out on that!

Have a Happy!


  1. great card and thanks for the noir marker link!

  2. Awesome combo of stamps, papers and embossing Jingle! Love this!!

  3. You're totally right about the embossing. It turns a simple card into an elegant one!

  4. Looks great! Love the contrast of the reds on that wonderful embossing folder!

  5. Love your card- the ribbons of DP are great- love the embossed BG. Very classy looking card and layout!

  6. super duper really cute and I think would be easy to mass produce!


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