
Fall Colors! YAY!

***This is my second post of the day.  To check out my CAS-ual Fridays Challenge post please scroll down or click HERE!  Thanks!***

I know I am not alone in loving the beautiful colors of fall!  I am fortunate enough to live in New England, you know...that place that leafers drive to from miles around just to SEE the leaves!  Yup.  It's that pretty.  And no, you don't get numb to it over time, so that part is pretty awesome!  Every. Single. Fall. I get to drive down the highway and see pure, brilliant bursts of red, orange, yellow, and all of the shades in between!  Today's card celebrates those colors, along with nature.  I just loved it!

Our Imagine Crafts/Tsukineko Artist In Residence Challenge this month was to use the Kaleidacolor ink pads.  I was TOTALLY on board with that one!  I love those things!

Fall Thanks Complete

I actually swiped the pad directly onto my cardstock after masking off the top and the bottom to get stripes of brilliant color!  I die cut the wood veneer and placed it over the swiped ink and I just LOVE how gorgeous it looks!  A few die cut feathers and sparkling sequins finish off the design, keeping it simple, but still so warm and cozy!

Thanks (detail)

You can find a full tutorial for my card at the Imagine Crafts blog and all of the supplies I used are in the inlinks linky below!  Thanks so much for stopping by today!

Have a Happy!


  1. I'll check out your instructions--love this card! Would you believe I just made a card with my Autumn Leaves pad a few days ago http://ggnursecreations.blogspot.com/2013/10/grateful.html in case you'd like to see it.

  2. Very beautiful. I love the die cut wood veneer piece and of course, the bright colors.

    I live in New England too and it is simply stunning being able to look out the window or drive to the store and see the amazing color. :)

  3. Wow, beautiful card!! I have some kaleidocolor pads and never remember to use them. I love how you used yours.

  4. oooh, love your ink-to-paper technique! Why let stamps get in the way all the time?!?


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