
Hello, There!

I have pretty much decided that it is fun to make a tree out of just about anything.  The Simon Says Stamp October Card Kit has the PERFECT stamp for me to prove this point!  HA!  For today's card, I decided to use the Lawn Fawn into the Woods sequins as the colorful leaves on my tree!  YAY!

Hello There Sequin Tree

When I first got this pack of sequins I LOVED it, but I wasn't quite sure what I would do with those giant leaf sequins in the pack.  I had bought a pack for myself and I got a pack in the kit, so that meant that I had a few to use!  LOL!  WELLLLL.... I figured it out!!!!  HA!  This was SO much fun to put together and those giant leaves were a perfect fit for my design!  They make me happy!!!  I still have the ones in the other pack, too, so I can make another fabulous sequin tree if need be.  Just sayin'.

Hello There Sequin Tree (detail)

I brought in one of the  STAMPtember® stamp sets and dies for this card, too!  The Sketchy Banner die and sentiment were a great match with this fun tree and the Lawn Fawn into the Woods papers!  Love it!!! You can find links to all of the fun goodies I used below!

That's all!

Have a Happy!


  1. ok totally love this one!! might be my new fave!!!

  2. Fabulous tree = LOVE :)
    Wonderful card!

  3. Fab tree! Such a clever use of sequins!!! Love it!
    Sylvia xx

  4. LOve this!!! I finally broke down and bought some sequins :). Awesome card as usual!

  5. Beautiful card!!! I LOVE the sequins...what a great idea :)

  6. Eeek!!! I LOVE IT! Love love. Let me know if you need my address as I'm sure you'll want it to have a good home :) It's adorable!

  7. I don't have the words to say how much I love this! It's awesome!!

  8. Perfect use of those leaf sequins! Love it!

  9. Oh that's delightful! I also love trees!!

  10. I love your card. Those leaves are awesome, love the colors too. Great job!


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