
Big Cheese


Hello, folks! I am sharing a super cute card that I have up over on the Newton's Nook blog today! I pulled out the super fun Just Say Cheese stamp set for my CAS card. I just love that set! Definitely one of my favorites from Newton's Nook Designs!

HB Big Cheese

I masked the little mouse and stamped the cheese before stamping the mouse onto the cardstock. I think he looks so cute sitting on top of the cheese like that! I also had a little fun with a bit of glitter! Yup. Totally played with glitter. I just added a touch of it around the heart in the speech bubble. Little details can make all the difference and THAT is my favorite part of this card! Woot!

HB Big Cheese (detail)

I colored the image with Spectrum Noir markers. I. Colored. HA! It's a miracle! LOL! I used the Blender pen to add texture and lighten up certain areas. I may not be one of those amazing marker artists, but I do love the way this looks! The banner is one of the brand new dies from the Simon Says Stamp STAMPtember release! It's the Sketchy Banners die and it is TOO much fun!

For more Newton's Nook inspiration head on over to the blog! And don't forget about the Inky Paws Challenge! Link up your card for a chance to win a $10 store credit!!! Check it out!


Thank you for visiting! I love to hear your thoughts!