
The Little Things

It's time for a new CAS-ual Fridays Challenge and we have a good one for you today! I really enjoyed this color challenge!

Awesome colors, right? Right. Totally. Trust me on this one. I decided to pull out my CAS-ual Fridays Breath set, as this sentiment was just crying out for me to do in multiple colors! I love it!

Find the Joy

I used VersaColor pigment inks and masks to get the colors where I wanted them, then cut the small panel and rounded the corners. I added a couple of washi tape loops to the side and popped up the panel on the card base. I finished it by rounding the corners of the card.

Find the Joy (detail)

Head on over to the CAS-ual Fridays Challenge blog to check out what the rest of the team has created and to link up your CAS card using these super fabulous colors!  Simon Says Stamp is sponsoring this challenge so you KNOW you want to win THAT prize!  Woot!

Happy Friday, friends!

Have a Happy!


  1. just gorgeous, love the rounded corners!
    Have a great weekend, Debxx

  2. Jingle, I just love your card! I'm loving the whole teal and orange thing right now.

  3. So cute and so true. Love this!

  4. There are so many details that I love in this card. To name a few: the rounded corners on both the card base and the popped panel, your use of all 3 colors for the sentiment, and the creative use of washi tape. Really fabulous card!


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