
Happy Fruit!

*This is my second post of the day.  You should see the other one, too.  Just sayin'.*

Umm.... so I really liked this fun new graphic over on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge, so I sorta borrowed it.  HA!  Isn't it FUN?!  Anyway, it's true!  It's TOTALLY time for a new challenge!  Woot!  Woot!

This week the challenge is all about SUMMER TIME Food and Drink!  Ummm... things that Jingle loves:  Summer time, food, and drink.  WOW!  It's like it was MADE for me, people!  For reals!  HA!  Wow.  Okay...maybe I should lay off the coffee this morning.  Hmmm.... I didn't even have jelly beans for breakfast... I PROMISE!  HA!  Anyway...here is a fun little inspiration photo to get you hungry...errr... I mean.... going.  Creatively.  It's supposed to inspire you, but it pretty much just makes me want some corn on the cob and a beer.  Just sayin'.  Keepin' it real, here folks, keepin' it real.

The Design Team is using Hero Arts products this week, so I reached for the super fun Hero Arts Love Jar set.  It's pretty darned cute.  Just puttin' that out there.

Um... yeah.. so I used LOTS of those stamps.  And I colored, and I cut, and I two step stamped, and I layered.  DUDE, I must have had some time on my hands for this sucker!  HA!  No, but for reals, this is a super fun set to work with and I just went to town and had a lot of fun with it.  I stamped the orange slices in Brilliance ink and then colored with Spectrum Noir markers.  I pulled just a *bit* of the ink from the image into the center and I LOVE how it turned out!

Happy (detail)

So... here's the deal.  You pretty much need to create something awesome with the Summer Food and Drink theme in mind and then link it on up to the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!  Woot!  Why?  Because Heidi is giving one lucky participant a $50 Gift Voucher to the Simon Says Stamp Store, that's why!  Oh...and because it's fun.  And because you make awesome stuff and everyone needs a fun push now and then.  And because I said so.  K.  That should be enough reasons, but if you need more, just let me know.  K.  Good.  Glad we got that covered.

You can enter up to five times.  Your creations must be new (as in.... posted AFTER this challenge went live), and you must link back to the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge to qualify.  We BEG you to turn off word verification so we can come see you and not want to throw things at our computers.  They are expensive and we don't really want to have to replace them.  Just sayin'.  Now go HAVE FUN!  Make something awesome!!!!  YOU ROCK, dude!

Have a Happy!


  1. Stunning card, Jennifer! I love the hearts and the kraft woodgrain cardstock from Simon!

  2. Such a fun card, Jennifer - love those orange slices mixed with the hearts!

  3. Awwwwww......LURVE this card!! :)

  4. This is just so much fun! Loving the colors, the fussy cutting, is really is happy fruit!

  5. Wow! Jennifer this card is AWESOME!! Love it!! You rocked that set!!


  6. What a fun challenge..cute, cute card

  7. oooh gorgeous card Jen. Love your juicy fruit !


    Jo x

  8. Gorgeous card Jennifer :-) I totally love the citrus fruits and colouring ,,, makes my mouth water !! :-)

    Lols x x x

  9. Fabulous Jennifer, I love your design and stunning colour scheme - brilliant details!!

    Heather xx

  10. Great card, I think I love it:)

  11. Lovin the fruity fun! All those little details you used add up to awesome.

  12. Beautiful card, and a fun challenge! Love Penny

  13. Love the stamps you've used, fabulous card.

  14. Love this card Jennifer! Makes me feel cool as a cucumber and happy as a clam.

  15. This is juicy delicious!! Love it!!


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