
This Is My Happy Place, These Colors, However....

Well, let's just say they are not colors I would normally combine. Actually, I rarely pick up purples of any kind and I never would have thought to combine them with brown tones. So, while it may not be my happy place of comfort inside a pretty little box... I am excited to have tried these fun colors out! I like how they play together! They came from this week's Online Card Classes Summer Card Camp 2 color scheme. I am definitely going to try to stretch and use them a few more times this week!

This is My Happy Place

This sketch intrigued me, as I tend to forget about the diagonal. I loved the look, so I gave it a shot! Totally fun, dudes. And it's not even remotely difficult to achieve, so that makes it even better! I added the dark purple and the white glitter tapes for some definition and a bit more color in the design. I like how they peek through the letters of the die cut chipboard! YAY!

This is My Happy Place (detail)

I did a bit of background tone on tone stamping with a great bubble stamp and a fun hexagon background from The Stamps of Life. I love these backgrounds!!!

Like I said, I hope to play with these colors a bit more and I am loving the sketches from class this week, so I will be pulling out a couple more of those, as well! Sometimes it's good to step OUT of your happy place and try something new! Who knows? Maybe you will discover that you CAN work with crazy colors! HA!

Have a Happy!

Find the products I used for this fun card in the links below!


  1. I like this combo! I am not a purple person either, I think...

  2. Great design! Love the colors. Sometimes it's fun to step outside the box. I recently had to complete a design team project using a color I never use. But, once I conquered my purple-phobia, I was happy with my results.

  3. I freaking love this design! I haven't tackled this color scheme yet!

  4. the colors look great and you know I like the glitter!

  5. so pretty :)I like your little touch of glitter!

  6. what a great combo of colors--SO cute!

  7. Love your card!Love the colors!!!


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