
The Less Nautical Version of Nautical

It's hard to miss the nautical trend everywhere.  It's in crafting, it's all over fashion, it's in home decor...really... it's everywhere!  But making a nautical themed card doesn't mean you have to reach for anchors and fishermans knots every time you want that look (Don't get me wrong, however....I am a BIG fan of anchors.  Just sayin'.  HA!).  There are more subtle ways to go nautical.

Oh, Darling, let's be adventurers!

First, let's talk color.  I absolutely LOVE the gorgeous, subtle colors in this collection.  They are soft and cozy and combined with such amazing patterns that it all just makes me feel good!  YAY!  They came from the Studio Calico Atlantic 6x6 pad.  I seriously love it!  The sequins are also from that same collection.  Woodgrain.  Sequins.  For reals, people!  Can it even get more glorious than that?!  *sigh*  Happy things.

Oh, Darling (detial)

I used Momento markers to color the stamp so I could use different colors on it and more easily stamp it on the different papers.  The stamp is from the Hiya Gorgeous set from Unity Stamp Company, designed by Erin Schreiner.  SUCH an awesome sentiment set!  I also added a spritz of shimmer spray to make the whole thing shimmer a bit!  You can just barely see that in the photo, but it's very pretty in person!

So, you can see, this card has the night sky, the rolling waves, and the pure feeling of adventure without the traditional 'nautical' elements.  I like that about this one.  Just a little something different.  That being said...I totally have an anchor card for you tomorrow.  Just sayin'.  HA!

Have a Happy!!!


  1. Love this! Gorgeous card and great idea!

  2. Super cool design! Love the colors!

  3. Cute! You are so funny about that wood grain sequin. I didn't even notice it was wood grain at first. How cool!

  4. Whoa. This is one of my FAVES by you!!! Amazeballs.

  5. Super SWEET... I want to make this right now.. (or at least CASE it!)
    I am so smitten with Studio calico..

  6. Fabulous card! I love that sentiment with the paper. You made it look as if the two were meant for each other! Very cool!

  7. love your paper selection!
    Sandra ltb

  8. I've never thought of the night sky as being nautical, but it absolutely IS! This is an awesome card!!!

  9. so great--love the sequins added too.


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