
Just Some Loving Thoughts For You

It is Day THREE of the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps July release and I am excited to show off another fabulous set of dies!  Today we are showing of the fabulous Oval Tag Die set.  This is another one that you will  likely reach for over and over again due to it's simplicity and versatility.  I love how you can layer the ovals or use them individually!

Loving Thoughts Treat Box

I've combined the dies with some gorgeous papers from My Mind's Eye and the Loving Thoughts stamp set wrapped around an SRM Stickers clear pillow box.  A bit of perfectly coordinating May Arts sheer ribbon finishes off this little treat box!  It's all just so PRETTY!  I like pretty things.  I do.  I really and truly do.  For reals, dudes.

Loving Thoughts Treat Box

Be sure to head on over to the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps blog to check out what the rest of the team has created AND to enter to win this awesome set of dies!  Woot!  Woot!

Have a Happy!


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