
It's PARTY Time!!!

Wow!  So much inspiration coming at me right now from so many super fun sources!  I am TOTALLY loving it, dudes.  For reals.  Totally.  Just sayin'.

When I saw the Birthday Invitation Challenge over in the Moxie Fab World I KNEW I wanted to participate.  I am SO loving the designs they have shown from this issue so far!!!  I don't have a copy yet, but I'll cave, I'm sure!  HA!  SO.... that challenge, combined with the awesome inspiration coming from the Summer Card Camp 2 class led to this fun STAMPS ONLY card!  (Yup, folks.  It's flat.  One generally has to mail invitations and sometimes it's nice to do that affordably.  Just puttin' that out there.  *wink*)


Ummmm.... YUP!  I'm totally in love with that AWESOME polka dot border from the Cupcake Party stamp set from the Simon Says Stamp July Card kit.  (You can get just the stamps, too.  Yay!)

I also tossed a little gold into the color mix using Imagine Crafts/Tsukineko Delicata ink.  Man, is that stuff gorgeous!  So shiny and goldy and lovely and such.

Party! (detail)

That's all.

Have a Happy!


  1. Love it Jingle! The patterns and colors in the corner are awesome!

  2. Great design and I love the bright summery colors!

  3. A flat card!? That's hard to pull off (and you did it beautifully!)

  4. Great card...just perfect for a party theme! Thanks for sharing!

  5. oh wow, just amazing, love the colours of that polka dot border!

  6. love the colour combo and mix of stamps-really fun card x

  7. loving the bright pop of colors!

  8. couldn't love this more--great design!

  9. Love this clean and simple card.

  10. Love the fun colors and graphic design!

  11. Hey Jingle! Thanks for linking this up to the Birthday Party Invitation Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  12. These dots make me so happy!! Such great colours and such a great layout!!


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