
Count me In!

Hello and welcome to FRIDAY!  I'm a big fan.  You?  HA!  We have a brand new challenge for you over at CAS-ual Fridays this week and it's a fun one!  This week we are using NUMBERS in our designs!  I decided to go SUPER cas for this one (as I am wont to do), and combined some really great stamps for a sentiment only kind of card.


I told you it was simple.  And it makes me happy that way.  Just sayin'.  I love how the boldness of the keyboard letters goes so beautifully with the flourishing font of the second part of the sentiment.

Crazy4U (detail)

I hope you will join in with us this week and create your own Count Me In CAS card for the challenge!  One lucky winner will receive a fabulous prize from CAS-ual Fridays Stamps!  Woot!  Just link up!  You know you wanna!

I hope you have an absolutely fantabulous weekend!!!  To check out the supplies I used on this card, see the links below!

Have a Happy!!!


  1. Those black letter stamps are oh so adorable! LOVING your card

  2. I love the bold black with the pop of green! Awesome!

  3. this is lovely, brilliant cas card.

  4. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my entry to CAS Friday Challenge. As a new blogger it is great to get some encouragement!
    I am in awe of your work - you are a very talented designer!

  5. Awesome card, love the mix of sentiments :)

  6. Hi, Jingle.

    Love this creative combo of fonts. So clever!

    And, thanks so much for the kind words you left on Scrapping with Purpose.

  7. This is freaking fantastic!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Those black letters are awesome!

  8. great color mix - love the font sentiment combined with the tab letters!

  9. this is just fabulous! I love the strong bold text of the keyboard, great mix with the swirly sentiment x


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