
CAS-ual Fridays MapQuest

Did you have those little weekly Map Skills things when you were in elementary school? They were kind of like the Weekly Readers, only they were all about map reading and how to use maps. We had them. They didn't work. I can't navigate to save my life. HA! BUT...that does NOT, however, preclude my absolute of LOVING maps, map images, and all things visually map-like in nature. It does, however, mean you should never really ask me for directions. Just sayin'.


This week over at CAS-ual Fridays we are challenging you to create travel related CAS projects! Think maps, things that go, all that sort of stuff. Go where your inspiration takes you!

Next To You

I had a ton of fun creating this little square card. I masked my HEART out on this one! Sometimes it's just fun to do the things you don't do often enough! And I really love those adorable little tiny itty bitty sequins, too. They are VERY little and super shiny!!! LOVE IT!

One lucky winner this week is going to win a fabulous prize (HA! I love saying that!) from CAS-ual Fridays stamps! Woot! Woot! (P.S. Some awesome new releases coming your way, soon. Just sayin'.)

Sooo... here's the deal. Head on over to CAS-ual Fridays, check out the rest of the inspiration from the Girl Fridays and then get creating, folks! For reals!

Have a Happy!


  1. What a creative design. Love it.

  2. Great work on the masking!!! LOVE the result!!! Was definitely worth all the effort :)
    Sylvia xx

  3. Very fun! Love the colors and perfect sentiment.

  4. Wow! Great card! Love the little sequins!

  5. Awesome! Great job with the masking!

  6. Great card, love the masking you did and the little sequins :)

  7. A great reminder to do technique we don't do often :) Love what you did with the masking. Seems like sequins are the next hot trend? I just bought a bag :)

  8. Jingle - this card and allll your cards are awesome, delightful, charming and unique - as are your posts! Love your interpretation of mapquest here; your card using Bowties and Bam is super (may have to case for my nephew down the road); and your PS shopping cart with balloons is a total smile-maker! You rock!! Thank you for commenting on my nephew/niece 'favorite' cards; you 100% brightened my day! Enjoy your Friday!

  9. oooh, I have these stamps. I love how you used them together for this card.

  10. Love the layers of stamps!
    Very cool


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