
Can One Accomplish Mixy Matchy and CAS in One Fell Swoop?

Of, COURSE, one can! I would have asked that in my title if one could not, let's be honest with ourselves, here folks.  I mean, really.  HA!  But, for reals, dudes... when I saw the Mixy Matchy Style Challenge in the Moxie Fab World ideas started flying!  BUT...before I went TOO crazy, I decided to add a bit more to the challenge for my personal creative drive... I wanted to make a Mixy Matchy CAS card.  AND!  AND!, my friends... with the help of the Simon Says Stamp June Card Kit, I totally did it.  'Cause I'm just awesome like that.  Just sayin'.  HA!

You Are Amazing

Firstly, let's talk about this kit for a moment.  Ummm.... Basic Grey Hipster, mustache washi, AND Amazing stamps designed by Kelly Purkey.  Yup.  Totally an awesome kit.  Just sayin'.

You Are Amazing (detial)

I totally love that you can take busy patterned papers, cut them into smaller strips and not only make them not-so-busy and more manageable, but ALSO mix 'em all up for super cuteness!  Woot!  Woot!  I also love my Corner Chomper.  'Cause one, simple rounded corner can make all the difference in the world and I love it!

So, with that, I hope your day is super fantastic and junk.

Have a Happy!


  1. No, you are amazing! Totally rocked the mixy,matchy, CAS and SSS June kit!!:)

  2. Love the mix of papers you used on this card-great CAS card!

  3. Love this! Very striking and yet simple at the same time.

  4. This is awesome! Great card Jingle:)

  5. LOVE your Mixy Matchy ! ..and your CAS !I'll be having a go at this TFS!

  6. Can One Accomplish Mixy Matchy and CAS in One Fell Swoop? The answer is YES!!! You not only achieved it, you rocked it!

  7. You certainly achieved it! The various widths and patterns are set together perfectly.

  8. what a GREAT combo of papers and stamps!

  9. Great job! I was just thinking yesterday that I wish I had some stamps that said "you are amazing" or some other sentiment. Duh, I have this same stamp set. I'm such a dork. Thanks for the reminder!!!

  10. What a great CAS card. Love the mix of patterns.

  11. Hey Jennifer! Thanks for linking this up to the Mixy-Matchy Style Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)


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