
Let Freedom Ring!

Today I have another fun NEW RELEASE peek from Fresh Squeezed Stamps!  YAY!  We have another installment in the Subway Series for you!  SUMMER TIME!!!!  I was excited to see a fun Independence Day stamp in this set!

4th of July

I've always been a big 4th of July fan.  It's just a super fun holiday filled with warm weather, fun stuff, and good food!  LOVE IT!  I had so much fun creating this patriotic card!

July 4 (detail)

The patterned papers on this are from Fancy Pants and the chipboard hearts and sequins are Simon Says Stamp. A bit of ribbon finished it off nicely! Ummm... I LOVE these papers!!!! Love them. And they are brilliantly PERFECT for this stamp! LOVE. IT. ALL! For reals. No.. like seriously. Totally for reals. Not just a little. Just sayin'.

Be sure to head on over to the Fresh Squeezed Stamps blog to check out the entire set and see what the other DT members have created! AND ... don't forget to ENTER TO WIN this set over there, as well! Woot! Woot!

Have a Happy!


  1. Love the card! AND yes that stamp is great!


  2. This is fantastic, I love July 4th too!

  3. This is such a cool card, I love it!

  4. this is GORGEOUS--LOVE fourth of July stuff!

  5. I LOVE this!! The design is just FUN!! THANKS for the Nice comment on my blog and have a FABULOUS WEEKEND!! =)

  6. I just got this set and now feel inspired to dig it out! Great card!


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