
In Search of a Magnificently Marvelous Mint!

Mint.  It's all the rage in fashion right now, so naturally, it is all the rage in crafting, as well.  I have fallen 100% for this particular trend... yes.. I even own mint pants, much to The Hubbums' chagrin.  HA!  BUT...I was finding it VERY difficult to get a really good mint ink color for my stamping!  Well... that's when Tsukineko stepped in!  John sent me a bunch of fabulous ink colors and in those included several I could test out in search of a Magnificently Marvelous Mint!  Here are the results!

The Great Mint Ink Search

Each of these is a Tsukineko ink.  And I love ever.single.one of them.  HA!  However, many, as you can plainly see, are not in any way, shape, or form 'minty' in nature.  I did come to a decision after conducting this test, however.  The Aquatic Splash is a remarkable good pale mint tone and the ....wait for it... VersaColor MINT is a lovely deeper mint tone.  (Who knew?!  LOL!)  Mind you, when I began this search I hadn't yet discovered the one actually called mint.  Just putting that out there.  HA!

So...if you are in search of the perfect mint I recommend checking out these fabulous ink colors.  If you are looking for some other lovely green and blue shades...the rest of them are fabulous, too!  YAY!

And..because I hate to post with out a card...here is a fun one I created using VersaMagic inks in a variety of colors along with the super cute sequin stamp from Fresh Squeezed Stamps On Trend set and a cute sentiment from Paper Smooches.

Sequin Birthday

Have A Happy!!!


  1. Love your mint write-up!! Loving the option for a darker mint as well as a lighter one! Hoping you'll post a follow-up to include other manufacturers too at some point!

    Also, the card? Love.

  2. Love all those colors! As for the mint pants, I recently purchased a pair and am loving them (hubby too)! Great card!

  3. those colors are awesome!!
    your card is so fun!

  4. Thanks for the comparison! I think that Aquatic splash is my favorite! I must also find a sequin stamp....

  5. Those colours are all so pretty!

  6. Glad you found your perfect mint! Love the results on this pretty card!

  7. Mint is tough, I like the visual comparison AND the card!

  8. did you just mentioned a sequin stamp?? must go check it out! =) thanks for the color chart. i think i need the mint color. love your card, too. those stamped sequins are so yummy!

  9. That sequin stamp is so cool...for a moment I thought you had stamped with an actual sequin. Love the mix of colors. Thanks for the ink chart. It's handy to see which colors I need. ;)

  10. Totally loving the sequin stamps!!! How fun!!

  11. Awesome sequin card. Thanks for sharing the search with mint color ink. That's what I have been looking for.

  12. This is sooo cute!! Love the sequins in all the soft colors.


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